There are times when I do not feel well. I am sure with the cold and flu season among us that this is a common feeling. However, there are times when I do not feel well and I can immediately figure out my symptoms and there are other times when I am not sure what the problem could be.
Recently, I had one of those clueless days. All I knew was that I felt bad, but not bad enough to go to a hospital or even articulate the problem.
I should have taken this as a clue, but remember, I was being clueless. Anyway, after spending some couch time, I figured out that my nasal passages were causing me some issues. So, I sat up and begin to think about the best remedy. And, suddenly it came to me.
Can I spell it Aretha Franklin style?....R. E. S. T. I know, Aretha spelled out respect, but I need some rest. If I stretch just a little, I could correlate respecting my body to providing it with some much needed rest.
Recently I traveled nearly 11,000 miles and then I also logged even more miles traveling around for the holidays. I did all of this traveling in the latter part of December, and the month is not finished just yet. Time for some R. E. S. T.
And funny enough, I will rest when I don’t feel quite right. So, that’s the self-prescribed order for now and then if I still don’t feel quite like myself, I’ll make a move to get a doctor’s appointment. Let’s pray that that does not have to take place.
I say all of this to say - don’t wait until you don’t feel well to respect your body enough to give it the required rest it needs. If you will give it rest, it will give you the performance you desire. Many of you need to join me on my R. E. S. T. journey. I pray that you will.

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