R.I.P. Little Shaniya

Seems like everywhere I turn, there is news coverage on Shaniya. I wish there wasn't because I wish that she was still alive. With every detail that continues to come out in this murder, I feel sick. It turns my stomach to know that there are people in this world who think it is proper to engage in sexual activities with a five-year old. This is a praying time - we live in a sin-sick world.

Little Shaniya was a beautiful girl. She looked happy - and I pray that for the time that she had here on this Earth, that she was happy. But, then I hear about the cigarette burns that marked her body. Then I see video of her being carried by a man whose intent does not seem so good. It makes me wonder about her last days - her last hours.

And then I think about how she was discarded like trash - just dumped in a wooded area and left there. How thoughtless! How careless! How cruel! Someone took her life from her - and then threw her away.

I can only pray that justice will prevail on this side of Heaven. I can only hope that the legal system gets it right this time. I know that in Heaven, God has already taken care of this. I know that vengeance belongs to the Lord. But, my flesh wants a little justice now - for Shaniya. So, I am praying that God will intercede in this case. That He will give the investigators wisdom and discernment that they may be able to do what is necessary to catch and convict this sin-sick killer. And then I am praying for the emotional wounds this senseless murder has caused to Shaniya's family members as well as those in her community who are tracking the events. I hope you will pray too!

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries