The Day Before Thanksgiving!

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day! Whooooohooooooo! I love Thanksgiving. There are no gifts to buy. Nothing materialistic to do. Just enjoy family - that's the order for the day. Sure there is the whole cooking thing that has to be done. I love that part though.

I have been blessed to participate in several Thanksgiving Days. Thank you, Lord. Generally, we have adhered to the traditional set-up of visiting local family. But, I have also had the distinct priviledge of celebrating Thanksgiving in the Cayman Islands with my good friend Kristie and her family. Now, Kristie L.O.V.E.S. to cook. And she's good at it too!

That Thanksgiving, I was a little apprehensive about breaking with my traditional routine. I traveled out of the country of Thanksgiving Day. I was so exhausted - but hadn't cooked anything - all I did was wake up at the crack of dawn before the roosters... and sit at airports...and sit on planes. But, there was the adrenaline of the excitement that comes with seeing my friend Kristie - if you knew her, you'd understand. She is my dynamo! Then, because Kristie and her family are such hospitable people, there were other families there ready to have Thanksgiving Dinner with us too. What a Thanksgiving Day!! Definately a break from my norm, but it was wonderful - a welcome change.

This year, although I'll be local, I'm adding something new to the routine. There will be four house visits this year instead of my normal three. And, I will, out of sheer courtesy, eat at every single house! (LOL). And the experience will be fantastic - not because of any extravagant gift, but because of the priceless gift - spending quality time with people that I love and who love me in return - no matter what. These people have my back, love me in spite of, and pray for me on a regular basis. These people are my family. Thank you Lord!

  • I thank God that I have family and friends that know what Thanksgiving is really all about. No one has mentioned "Black Friday" all week - we've been talking about getting together and laughing it up!
  • I thank God for everything that He does - for everything that He is.
  • And, I thank Him for placing me in a family that despite everything - my shortcomings and my wrongs ('cause I do have a few), love me unconditionally. Real love is priceless. My thanksgiving for the Lord is endless.
I pray that you will have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. That you will look to the Lord and thank Him for all that He is doing in your life and in the lives of your family and friends.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries