I sponsor a child through Compassion International. And, yesterday, I got my very first letter from my sponsored child. She wrote me!
Oh, I held the letter right to my heart! As I devoured every sentence of the translation and cherished every single picture that she drew for me, my heart burst open, right in my chest.
It is simply amazing the way that God orchestrates things. I had long been curious and hesitant about child sponsorships, but out of obedience, I relented to God’s will. And, now, He has turned obedience into a blessing. I hope and pray that the continuation of this relationship will be just this sweet as its beginning!
I am not the only one that has received a letter – through Compassion or through another ministry. But I am thankful that now, I have my first letter from my sponsored child. And even in my excitement, I realize that there is a far better letter. Far better because it was inspired by God. This precious letter is called the Bible. It’s rich and deep and more meaningful than any other letter you’ll ever receive. It’s God’s letter of love to you. And, I pray that you will be MORE excited about His letter of love to you than I am about my sponsored child’s letter to me. I know it may be hard to do, but stretch! Get to that place! And you will be blessed.

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