Happy Monday!!

Thanks to everyone that stopped by She Seeks last week. Boy did I have a good time over there! It felt good to read the comments and emails that came my way as a result of that article.

As you may know, rejection is something near and dear to my heart. I don’t want the people of God to waste time lamenting over dead things. If someone is too blind to realize your worth, whether it be in a male/female relationship, on your job, or some social setting, it is likely a blessing that they are so blind.

Too many times we want to run out and help them out by getting them the latest “see-me-for-who-I-am” spectacles. I'd prefer you do the opposite. Let them go. Let them be. God has a way of bringing to the forefront those who you should be in your circle. So, let God do the choosing. It’s better that way!

Random Thoughts:

This week is shaping up to be really busy, but I will be posting more. In fact, last week, I had planned to post more but alas, the best laid plans... things just didn’t work out.

If you think about it this week, please pray for my terminally ill friend. I visited with her this weekend and she’s in the hands of the Lord now, like never before. Pray for her family - for peace and strength.

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