Me and the Boys

I’ve been hanging out with a few furry creatures. They are my fav little pups - and they know it too. They prance into my house, strutting their stuff, waiting to be adored. And, right on cue, I tell them how wonderful they are. They’ve got me trained.

They spent a few nights with me and I am blessed because of them. Yes, I’m slightly allergic to them, but they demonstrate to me how to love unconditionally. They demonstrate to me how to have fun in almost any situation. They love to play and make themselves at home wherever they are.

We played with tennis balls and tug toys, and made up games. They chased each other around my furniture too - definately funny. And, best of all, we took naps together. Me on my couch and them on the floor near me. Animals can teach us something if we will just look and see the lesson.

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