Family Line.
That’s the thought that’s on my mind this morning. During Sunday School yesterday, we discussed the linage of Jesus Christ. He had some folks in his family tree that did some rather unsavory things. It’s comforting if you think about it, since we have some folks in our family tree that have done and do some unsavory things. Think I’m wrong, look in the mirror. Thank God for repentace! Yet, while I am looking into the past to see what’s there, I am also looking into the future to see what could be.
This weekend, I had the high privilege of being a conference speaker with Christians United Church of Christ. This was their first Youth Conference and everything went well. I know that God had His hand in every part of the event since the messages that were given, all related, one to the other. I had never met the other conference speakers, Elder Tarry Deaver and Minister Joseph Frierson, Jr. Upon meeting them, instantly, we felt like family. That’s the way it’s supposed to be. One family in Christ.
We labored before the youth to draw their minds on key elements about their faith and the importance of living a “right now life” that will help them receive “eternal life.” Seeds were planted – and watered. We can only pray for the manifestation.
And that’s why looking to the future is so important. While we do not know the number of our days or even if we will live long enough to finish this blog post, we do know Who holds the future. And because we know Who holds the future, we have a responsibility to those coming behind us to present and introduce them to Him.
I shutter to think what life may be like if we stop raising up strong boys and girls who will turn into strong men and women for the cause of Christ. So many of our youth have already fallen by the wayside, following in the unsavory patterns of those who have gone before them.
We have to be different. We have to look to the future and what could be, and prepare our youth with the knowledge that they need. The real knowledge of the Savior. And in so doing, establish the Kingdom in our own linage, producing a family line that loves and reverences the Lord Jesus.
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