He has done it again! It amazes me how amazing God is.
Not only did He take me to and from Germany with no incident nor accident, (but I am still breaking up with Frank) He also saw fit during all that travel to take me to one more destination – Concord, North Carolina for She Speaks.
She Speaks is my favorite conference and I try to go as often as I can. In fact, this is either my third or fourth trip, but I can’t remember right at the moment.
I have to admit that I was feeling the pressure of being prepared for both my trip to Germany and the follow-on trip to Concord. There was only one day in between the two! Mercy! That’s what I cried. And that’s what I got. God’s great and abundant mercy and grace!
Can I tell you how He moved in my life this weekend? Okay. I’ll start with Friday.
Friday, I learned so much. In particular, if I had to summarize all of the knowledge, I would pinpoint two things:
(1) Lysa’s message (president of Proverbs 31) was about finding my own remarkABLE. She stepped on my toes talking about discipline – particularly since I teach the spiritual disciplines class at church. Ouch. But, she also let me know that I am in control of me, but it’s not about me. My choices should honor God – and when I’m thankful, that makes me remarkABLE. So, no longer will I say what I have to do, I can say what I am ABLE to do. I know. Puts a whole new spin on that “to do list.” Go to Proverbs 31 and get the CD.
(2) But secondly, on Friday night, I got some really good practical tips for my writing. The aptly named session: Top Tips from a Veteran Publisher did not disappoint. Sandy Vander Zicht was our presenter and wow… what else can be said after that? I wish I could tell you but I can’t find the words. It was some really great information. I know – call Proverbs 31 and ask about Sandy’s session.
So much happened during the weekend that I am just going to have to break it up into different blog posts. I don’t want to short change any of the experience – which was by all accounts – a mighty move of God. I have so much to share. Stay tuned!
A Burden Removed: A Biblical Path for Removing the Racism of Our Forefathers
Should a congregation repent of the sins of their forefathers?
5 years ago
Hi Sweet Friend!
Wow, your post really blesses me. Thank you for taking time to be with us this weekend and for posting such kind words about She Speaks and my message.
Praying for you right now...
It was incredible, wasn't it? So glad to meet you and can't wait to get to know ya more!