Lots of folks have been posting about their She Speaks experience, some organizing them into a Top 10 list ... so, after some consideration, I am joining the pack. Here are my top picks:
10. Because the Lord loves me so, He made sure that there was a resource table. I love me some books y'all. And, I shopped...and kept visiting the table to make sure nothing new had been added. When will I ever get the chance to read all of these books that I HAD to have? Ah...time will tell.
9. Hearing about other ministries efforts to offer salvation to the lost and to grow / shepard those who have been found. With so many tracks (speaking, writing, women's ministry etc) there were lots of opportunities to hear how God has been moving.
8. I love a well-organized event. I give big hugs to the P31 staff and volunteers for putting together a well-thought out and God-led event. I could see the fruit of your work from the notebooks to powerpoints to the accomodations and seating and well, you get the point. Kudos.
7. Meeting new people who are already making an impact for the Lord. I shall never forget Carol Davis (who is famously funny but with a heart that beats for God), Mary DeMuth (who fabulously gave us Daisy Chain - Read it, I am) and Jennifer Rothschild, (who I am blessed to have meet as well) and whom I blogged about earlier.
6. Reconnecting with former She Speaks pals. I met Kathy while I was previously and we had the opportunity to reconnect in person after having spent much of our friendship development through blogs and email.
5. Joining a writer's group - how cool is that. It was a self-selecting process but I believe that God has really pulled this group of women together. It's the badge on the right - Sisters in Ink. Can't wait to see what God will do with all of this.
4. The valuable lessons taught to my eager ears. I praise God for all the teachers that poured over their Bibles and sat with God so that they would have something valuable to give to us. Thank you.
3. Having the opportunity to meet with some great agents and editors. How kind of them to spend any time with me! I can't wait to see what unfolds as a result of our meetings.
2. Sponsoring a child through Compassion. I would put her name but I don't know if I am supposed to. Just know that God led me to her and I am trusting Him to keep her safe. The way He did it let me know that it was all Him. And, well, that's all good.
1. My number one - and number one is the Prayer Room! Oh the experiences I had in there. I found my name on Elohim. Perfect for me. I needed to be reminded. God spoke at She Speaks.
So, these are my top 10. Hope you enjoyed the list. And, if you have a Top 10 list on your site, please leave a comment linking to your list.
She Speaks gave me YOU!!!
There are other great gifts, but now I want to celebrate you in my life.
Yes we are in a fabulous writing critique group. But....drum roll...one great work God is doing in this group is giving you the anointing to lead us wonderfully. Thank you... I thank God for you now!!!
Be blest.
These top tens are sooooooooo fun to read. I might have to do one too. I'll let ya know if I do. (when I do) ;)