I flew into a wall recently – hit it hard too.
I, like the bird from yesterday’s post, was not paying attention and the enemy delivered a blow.
But, unlike that bird, I refuse to surrender. This blow is not lethal – it’s a lesson.
When I hit the wall, shock blanketed me; surprise governed me. And even though I was aching, I still had to deal with a decision that loomed straight ahead of me.
Enter my spiritual godmother. Notice I said spiritual – not fairy.
I called her to recount my wall-smacking experience. She listened and then she asked:
“How long are you going to allow this to dwell in your spirit?”
Hunh? What does she mean? It just happened!! I was a bit puzzled. Thus, when I did not immediately respond but instead sat on the phone pondering, she said:
“It’s been too long already.”
With those two sentences, she delivered healing balm to my wounds. For you see, it is not for the Christian to dwell on the wall and try to analyze why it was there, how many times it has appeared and how many times you flew over successfully and on and on. Instead, for the Christian, it’s time to rejoice in the fact that we can get up from a wall-smacking and move on with our lives. Go on and bandage your hurt with a Holy Ghost band-aid and get on with it.
There is a greater work that must be done so that God is glorified. So, if you read this blog post and find yourself therein – smarting from a wall-smacking, get on up and get back to work – or I’ll have my spiritual godmother call you!
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5 years ago
Oh, girlfriend, I love it! Think I'm going to pull out those Holy Ghost bandaids from now on and get on with it! It is way too easy for me to ponder too long about wall smackings, trying to analyze the socks off of them, when God wants me to get up and keep moving. Kinda like quicksand that sucks you down if you stay there. Ya gotta get up and out of there. What wall???
This is really awesome and I needed to read this today.
Thank you for stopping by my blog so I could "meet" you. :)
This is good stuff and so timely for me. My husband started his new radio show yesterday. A few hours before the show started he hit a wall! And boy did it hurt! I told him it was just a distraction for the task that lay ahead of him which is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to a new generation. So he dusted himself off and pushed through. Thanks for that message. It was right on time.
Spiritual mother/godmother/mentor...oh, what a blessing! I was a tough one when Holy Spirit filled me. God circled me with strong women who were iron striking iron that would not let one moment of self-pity; offense; greed; envy or selfishness to dwell in me.
Now, thank God, I have "little ones" in the Spirit that God has unctioned me to walk with as they seek Him. Sometimes they think I'm tough and I recount my stories with my "mothers" and they thank God for me!!!
Beautifully written mighty woman of God!!!