My end is always where I find my beginning.
I generally do not like for things to end. I am the one at the movies that always wants more. In fact, I love movies with multiples - like the whole Jason Bourne trilogy...the Bourne Identity, Bourne Supremacy, Bourne see! Anything that keeps the storyline moving is what I am interested in. Yet, in my own life, I have found that in order to keep the storyline moving, new characters will enter but others will, of necessity, have to drop off.
I never saw this as a good thing until a few years ago. I was madly in love and was promised a forever. Of couse, this fit my storyline. However, my forever was temporary and this character dropped off the scene. It was an ending that stung, and was certainly dramatic. It caused a plethora of raw emotion, but over time, that ending birthed a new beginning.
When I truned the page to a new beginning, I was a smidge less than enthusiastic. But I kept moving. And, as a result, my willingness to put a period at the end of one forever and roll tape on a new beginning has blessed my soul and brought me peace. Good ole Jason Bourned could probably say that same thing.
I do not know what you may be going through at this very moment but I want to encourage you in this - do not be afraid to let go and end things. If God says that it is time for that period at the end of an issue, then go ahead and end it. He knows what is best for you.And He knows what is in store for you. Your new beginning awaits.

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