Hello Bloggy and Facebook friends!
Thanks for stopping by the blog. Today, I am working on a post that's not quite ready yet. So instead of posting something half-baked, I wonder if you would join me in prayer?
This Tuesday morning, let's pray for the following:
1. The safety of God's children, near and far - missionaries across the world and those in our very midst
2. This great nation, whose greatness is compromised by increasing sin - help us turn back to God
3. God-fearing leadership and sound ethical decision making - let us do what glorifies God and not our wallets
4. A return to holiness to those who have lost their way - help us be a path towards righteousness and not toward destruction
5. Salvation for the lost - help them to want to be found by a loving Savior
6. A true heart's desire to learn the Word of God - not so that we can have a head knowledge but so that we can have a true heart knowledge and live out the principles in a godly way that gives God glory - not ourselves
7. Peace and tranquility in our hearts and in our minds - help us to find rest by turning to the Peacegiver
8. Relationships - first with God, then with each other.
Thanks y'all.
I prayed through your post, Girl. Thanks for the prompter. Love you!