A Real Sermon in a Song

Happy Monday Everybody!

Thanks for all of your wonderful comments on "My Wall-Smacking Incident." It's good to be encouraged by other believers and also to know that I'm not the only one that does not see the occassional wall! Today's post was promised to my friend S.O. a long time ago - and I typed it out but never posted it. Slacker. I know. Anyway, better late than never! So, here we go! A Real Sermon in a Song!

I was browsing the internet when I came across an interesting video.

I just was not ready for what I saw.

The pastor of the church was singing secular music…in the Sanctuary…at the podium, to describe the way that he felt about the Lord. He said that the music was alright so long as you recognized who you were singing to. When the original artists composed and sang the songs, they were speaking of a relationship between a man and a woman. Something about that video rang wrong within me. I could not relate – I could not understand why this servant of the Lord would ever bring sensual and sexually-oriented music into the Sanctuary and promote it from the pulpit.

I began to feel sorrow for the congregants – most of who knew the words to the songs and were singing right along with the pastor. God calls us to be different – peculiar. We are not to be like the world. The sanctuary is not a concert hall for secular crooning.

And just when I thought, oh man, this can’t get worse, with the next breath, the pastor began to combine secular songs with worship hymns – light and darkness cannot co-exist. But again, his premise was it being about who you were singing to.

I guess it would have been far too easy to open the pages of the Bible to sing a worship song?!?! David has left plenty of psalms to sing. Many of hymns could have been sung which glorified the Lord and could be directly correlated with Scripture.
And then, there are other hymns, composed by men and women who have come to know and love the Lord. There is a wealth of praise in the pages of your hymnal. One of my favorite hymns is “A Mighty Fortress” whose lyrics begin strongly with these words:

A mighty fortress is our God,

a bulwark never failing;

our helper he amid the flood

of mortal ills prevailing.

For still our ancient foe

doth seek to work us woe;

his craft and power are great,

and armed with cruel hate,

on earth is not his equal.

That is a real sermon in a song – and the lyrics above are only the first part of the song. There are three more stanzas that could be sung that will deliver honor to the Lord.

And then, there is the ever known and popular, “Amazing Grace”, which puts us into proper reverence of the Lord along with a realization of who we truly are when we look right into the first two stanzas:

"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.

T'was Grace that taught...
my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear...
the hour I first believed.”

Again, a real sermon in a song. Sermons are designed to help us to see where we are and to recognize where we need to be in the Lord. They are designed to help us grow closer to the Lord. They are needful to help us realize where our worship should reside. And, that is why I struggle with the video. There is no proper pathway to worship and instruction from the Lord that has its foundation in the secular. A song sung about or to a woman (or man), a mere created being, can never compare to a song sung about the Creator. The two will never equal out.

Thus, when we desire to sing a song of praise and worship to the Lord, ensure that the source is true.

Sing Scripture.

Sing Hymns.

Sing to the Lord that which really was designed to glorify Him. And when you do, you will then be singing a real sermon in a song.

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My Wall-Smacking Incident

I flew into a wall recently – hit it hard too.

I, like the bird from yesterday’s post, was not paying attention and the enemy delivered a blow.

But, unlike that bird, I refuse to surrender. This blow is not lethal – it’s a lesson.

When I hit the wall, shock blanketed me; surprise governed me. And even though I was aching, I still had to deal with a decision that loomed straight ahead of me.

Enter my spiritual godmother. Notice I said spiritual – not fairy.

I called her to recount my wall-smacking experience. She listened and then she asked:

“How long are you going to allow this to dwell in your spirit?”

Hunh? What does she mean? It just happened!! I was a bit puzzled. Thus, when I did not immediately respond but instead sat on the phone pondering, she said:

“It’s been too long already.”

With those two sentences, she delivered healing balm to my wounds. For you see, it is not for the Christian to dwell on the wall and try to analyze why it was there, how many times it has appeared and how many times you flew over successfully and on and on. Instead, for the Christian, it’s time to rejoice in the fact that we can get up from a wall-smacking and move on with our lives. Go on and bandage your hurt with a Holy Ghost band-aid and get on with it.

There is a greater work that must be done so that God is glorified. So, if you read this blog post and find yourself therein – smarting from a wall-smacking, get on up and get back to work – or I’ll have my spiritual godmother call you!

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Be on the Lookout

If you dropped by yesterday and are wondering if this post is the one that I was working on, I have some news. No, this one is not that one. (sad face) I started that one Friday and now it’s finished but because of some things that have happened since then, I feel that I should hold onto it for a minute. Never fear though, I’m sure the Lord will let me know when it’s a good time to post it. In the meantime, here’s today’s post!

Flipping through the channels on a lazy day, I landed on a station that carried footage of nature. I watched, intrigued by a bird that had perched on the waters, bobbing up and down with the waves. So cute! This bird was clearly relaxed and unconcerned. He even tucked his neck into himself for whatever reason – I’m guessing he was grooming himself. Nevertheless, this activity by said bird continued. I kept watching.

And then it happened.

There was no scary music or even a change in tempo. In fact, the water that lulled this bird into a lackadaisical state never changed its pace. But then, right when I least expected it – tragedy.

The bird was attacked by a seal. I was shocked! Horrified! I sat up and yelled at the television, angry at the seal!

The seal rose up from the water, grabbed the bird by the neck, and swiftly took it underneath the water. And without any further detail, I can tell you, the seal won.

He cheated – He snuck up on that bird and delivered an unrecoverable blow. Now, you may say that’s nature, and you would be right. But, it is also the way that our enemy operates.

As Christians, we have to be on the lookout. We cannot afford to perch on the waters of life and bob up and down without a care in the world. When we do, we forfeit our defenses. Instead, we need to be on the alert – watching, ready.

When we spend time looking inwardly, grooming ourselves or being overly concerned about ourselves, the enemy has time to plan and execute his attack. You are no longer a threat to him because you are so wrapped up in yourself – enjoying yourself – bobbing along with the current.

Be careful of the current; it is the thing that will lull you into a false sense of security that will allow the enemy to move forward with his plan of attack.

Be vigilant. Be alert. Know that your enemy is never too far away. Make sure that you take steps such that you will not become his prey.

I’m sitting up yelling this message out to you – so please take notice. I don’t want you to become like that little bird – a victim of his adversary. Instead, I desire that you be victorious. This is just a little something for you to think about.

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Prayer Request

Hello Bloggy and Facebook friends!

Thanks for stopping by the blog. Today, I am working on a post that's not quite ready yet. So instead of posting something half-baked, I wonder if you would join me in prayer?

This Tuesday morning, let's pray for the following:

1. The safety of God's children, near and far - missionaries across the world and those in our very midst

2. This great nation, whose greatness is compromised by increasing sin - help us turn back to God

3. God-fearing leadership and sound ethical decision making - let us do what glorifies God and not our wallets

4. A return to holiness to those who have lost their way - help us be a path towards righteousness and not toward destruction

5. Salvation for the lost - help them to want to be found by a loving Savior

6. A true heart's desire to learn the Word of God - not so that we can have a head knowledge but so that we can have a true heart knowledge and live out the principles in a godly way that gives God glory - not ourselves

7. Peace and tranquility in our hearts and in our minds - help us to find rest by turning to the Peacegiver

8. Relationships - first with God, then with each other.

Thanks y'all.

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Shift Confirmed

So, last Thursday, I blogged about feeling a shifting in my life. I did not have any hard details, but the feeling was unmistakable.

Saturday, as I was cleaning my house, I felt an undeniable move of God. I wept and worshipped.

Sunday, as I prayed for the ministers, my God let me know that He was there. And, then He showed Himself strong. The choir delivered the congregation into the presence of the Lord and then, the minister preached a sermon entitled: My Life is About to Shift.

I blogged Thursday, God confirmed Sunday.

Shift Confirmed.

I left church Sunday, floating. Knowing that I had had the Lord and knew that He was about to shift things for me felt great. And, like I blogged, I don't know how the shifting will manifest itself, but I know that it will. And, because I know that God knows, He sees and He cares, then I have to think that whatever is going to take place will be for my own good and definately for His glory.

Lord, I'm ready. Shift me.

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I feel things shifting... .

I feel things shifting... .

And, I'm glad. For so long, I've felt stuck in a rut. An endless routine, with work-related travel sprinkled in to break-up the monotony.

I don't know what will happen... .

But, I am anticipating great things. I feel like God is putting things in order for me. Taking care of essential things so that every other thing can fall into place.

I woke up this morning... .

Ain't that good news? I know - I sound like a "seasoned saint" at a revival. But, I missed my revival this year doing some of that work-related travel - so lemme just have this one, ok? So, I woke up this morning - glad .... happy. And, it was not because I got a full night's rest. But, it was because I realized how to rest with the Lord. I found my spot and snuggled close to Him last night.

So, what's the point... .

Let God be God. When you step out of the way, He will order things. He will move things and set them up for your success; your happiness; your peace; your joy. Slide over and let Him drive.

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Daisy Chain Update

I know that I’ve been talking an awful lot about Mary DeMuth’s Daisy Chain. That’s because I want you to read it. I am halfway through the book now. I’ve got probably 150 pages to go – via rough estimate. And, I’ve just got to say – y’all need to read this book.

In my mind, I picture Jed. I see him enduring and pressing his way. And, then that same Jed that I cheer on from inside my mind does some quick lying – leaving me to say – hunh? Didn’t see that coming. Didn’t see the plot twist coming with the shoe either. But, you’ll just have to get the book and read it to know what I’m talking about. I kid you not, this book is worth the time investment thus far. I'm reading a little at night before I go to bed.

Word of caution – if you are reading Daisy Chain, then do not read the book excerpt from the next book on Mary’s blog. I took a sneak peak and wish I hadn’t done so… . At any rate, get Daisy Chain and read it. You will enjoy it.

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Legacy of Faith

This weekend, I went to a family reunion. This one was the one for my maternal grandfather’s side of the family. I had such a great time. It’s funny how we will travel from far and wide and descend upon a destination just for the sake of fellowship. That was my case.

And, while I was there, hearing about my family and their rich faith, I could not help but to allow my mind to drift back to childhood memories. Every summer, I would go down and visit my maternal grandparents. Oh I would laugh and play all summer long!

Those times are precious.

I would tell you stories – but maybe another time.

As a result of my trip down memory lane, I began to really think about what it will be like to see my family – the entire family again; and for the first time. This place is not my home – and neither is it yours if you are a believer. Heaven is. And one day, I will see my grandparents again and I will see for the first time, the faith-walkers that preceded me. Oh what an exciting time it will be!

Those were my thoughts this weekend as we lit candles in their remembrance. They left behind a legacy of faith. I cannot wait to see what God has in store for the rest of my life. I pray that the legacy that I will leave (should He tarry) will be one rich in faith as well, trusting in the Lord.

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My New Yum-O Treat

Friday reminds me of food.

I know the connection sounds wierd but just think about it. You usually go out to eat on Friday and Saturday nights. You blow off the diet on Friday night. Friday is essentially free night - free to be a lover of all things tasty without feeling guilty. At least those are the rules for my house.

It was on a Delta flight that I was introduced into my newest fascination. I've never been a pretzel gal, but this...well, this treat is yum-o!

What is it?



I have been smacking down on these little tasty buddies. Oh so yummy. I've moved from original to Honey Mustard & Onion. If you have denied your taste buds the priviledge, I would ask that you reconsider, and run on out and buy yourself a bag. Afterall, live a little, it's Friday!

Have a good weekend!!!

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My She Speaks Top 10

Lots of folks have been posting about their She Speaks experience, some organizing them into a Top 10 list ... so, after some consideration, I am joining the pack. Here are my top picks:

10. Because the Lord loves me so, He made sure that there was a resource table. I love me some books y'all. And, I shopped...and kept visiting the table to make sure nothing new had been added. When will I ever get the chance to read all of these books that I HAD to have? Ah...time will tell.

9. Hearing about other ministries efforts to offer salvation to the lost and to grow / shepard those who have been found. With so many tracks (speaking, writing, women's ministry etc) there were lots of opportunities to hear how God has been moving.

8. I love a well-organized event. I give big hugs to the P31 staff and volunteers for putting together a well-thought out and God-led event. I could see the fruit of your work from the notebooks to powerpoints to the accomodations and seating and well, you get the point. Kudos.

7. Meeting new people who are already making an impact for the Lord. I shall never forget Carol Davis (who is famously funny but with a heart that beats for God), Mary DeMuth (who fabulously gave us Daisy Chain - Read it, I am) and Jennifer Rothschild, (who I am blessed to have meet as well) and whom I blogged about earlier.

6. Reconnecting with former She Speaks pals. I met Kathy while I was previously and we had the opportunity to reconnect in person after having spent much of our friendship development through blogs and email.

5. Joining a writer's group - how cool is that. It was a self-selecting process but I believe that God has really pulled this group of women together. It's the badge on the right - Sisters in Ink. Can't wait to see what God will do with all of this.

4. The valuable lessons taught to my eager ears. I praise God for all the teachers that poured over their Bibles and sat with God so that they would have something valuable to give to us. Thank you.

3. Having the opportunity to meet with some great agents and editors. How kind of them to spend any time with me! I can't wait to see what unfolds as a result of our meetings.

2. Sponsoring a child through Compassion. I would put her name but I don't know if I am supposed to. Just know that God led me to her and I am trusting Him to keep her safe. The way He did it let me know that it was all Him. And, well, that's all good.

1. My number one - and number one is the Prayer Room! Oh the experiences I had in there. I found my name on Elohim. Perfect for me. I needed to be reminded. God spoke at She Speaks.

So, these are my top 10. Hope you enjoyed the list. And, if you have a Top 10 list on your site, please leave a comment linking to your list.

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My Slow Fade

Slow Fade...

Slow Fade...

These are the words that kept coming into my mind. Slow Fade...

Perhaps a little background would be good. I've been listening to Casting Crowns. They perform a song entitled Slow Fade. And it talks about how we simply do not crumble in one day's time. Instead, it is a slow fade.

For instance, I did not get out of shape overnight, instead it was a slow fade. I was working out with a trainer and in fabulous shape. I got an injury - recovered. I stopped working out with my trainer. Thought I could do it on my own. Started traveling for the job. Gained some weight. Fought it back off. Got another injury. Decided to exercise at home. Didn't exercise at home. Bought a gym membership. Didn't go much. Bought a swanky elliptical. Got another injury - my fault this time. Never quite got back into the swing of things...slow fade.

You see, a series of choices lead me to the unpleasant condition that I find myself in right now, weight-wise. Slow Fade.

Each decision that we make has a consequence. And, while we may not feel that the decision will matter in the short term, when we take a minute to look up and assess our current status, we see that all of those small decisions, have taken us to a place where we should not be.

As children of the Most High God, we have to guard our decisions. We have to be on the watch for the slow fade - when black and white turns to gray (to borrow a line from Casting Crowns). At the end of the day, a price will be paid. The question to be answered by all of us is whether we want to pay that price.

For my small decisions, the price for me is much time exercising and watching what I eat. That's a hard thing for a foodie like myself, but I am do it. It's black and white - not gray. I know what must be done, and I will do it. But, let's hope that the extra weight does not take up its own version of slow fade!

Pray for me!

Oh, and here's the video link for Slow Fade on You Tube. Now, the video addresses another type of slow fade, but what is so wonderful about the song is that it is applicable to anything that we struggle with. Hope you will take the time to look at it and let me know your thoughts.

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Inspired by Julie...and Julia!

I went to see the movie Julie & Julia. I was intrigued with the movie because it was about two of my favorite things - blogging and cooking. I love to eat. I love to write. So, I set my sights on the movie.

The first time I went to see the movie, it was sold out. Yuck-o. And, because the movie is 2 hours, there was no way I could wait around for the next showing some three hours later.

Being shut-down at the ticket counter made me curious. Why were so many people wanting to see this movie that it sold out? So, I made up in my mind that I would try to see the movie again - at an off-peak time.

I made it! I rushed to the movie theater and got in line; pondering whether I'd made another trip out for naught. (I know, I should have fandango-ed, but I didn't want to pay the extra dollar. I know - I spent more in gas.) Anyway, I made it in - extra dollar secured.

It took what felt like forever for the movie to start - so many previews. But when it did begin, I just have to say, "Oh Meryl!" What a fantastic job playing Julia Child. And Amy, kudos!

I left the movie theater with a few thoughts in mind:
1. Why do I blog?
2. Who benefits?
3. What am I really passionate about?

If I will take these three questions and pour myself into their answers, then I shall become a better writer. In one year's time, we shall see!

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The End is the Beginning

My end is always where I find my beginning.

I generally do not like for things to end. I am the one at the movies that always wants more. In fact, I love movies with multiples - like the whole Jason Bourne trilogy...the Bourne Identity, Bourne Supremacy, Bourne Ultimatum...you see! Anything that keeps the storyline moving is what I am interested in. Yet, in my own life, I have found that in order to keep the storyline moving, new characters will enter but others will, of necessity, have to drop off.

I never saw this as a good thing until a few years ago. I was madly in love and was promised a forever. Of couse, this fit my storyline. However, my forever was temporary and this character dropped off the scene. It was an ending that stung, and was certainly dramatic. It caused a plethora of raw emotion, but over time, that ending birthed a new beginning.

When I truned the page to a new beginning, I was a smidge less than enthusiastic. But I kept moving. And, as a result, my willingness to put a period at the end of one forever and roll tape on a new beginning has blessed my soul and brought me peace. Good ole Jason Bourned could probably say that same thing.

I do not know what you may be going through at this very moment but I want to encourage you in this - do not be afraid to let go and end things. If God says that it is time for that period at the end of an issue, then go ahead and end it. He knows what is best for you.And He knows what is in store for you. Your new beginning awaits.

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Turn Frustration to Gladness

Lysa’s post today is timely. And, it’s not because I myself am feeling frustrated. In fact, I am not. But instead, it’s because it brings to mind how easily frustrated I CAN become.

Today, I got dressed for work, looked real snazzy and headed out the door. Got to work early (before 8am) and was met with a power outage in the entire facility. Huh? Well, of course, I waited around to see what might happen although I really didn’t think the lights were coming on anytime soon – neither the A/C. I went to my desk and began to try to work in the dark (I sit near windows so I had more light than most of my colleagues). Then I heard that our local utility would not be able to get to us until mid-morning.

Now, I could have been frustrated. Afterall, I did get to work early; wore nice clothes that were freshly pressed; took extra time putting on my make-up and looked very professional with a mind to really work my heart out today – I have a personal deadline/goal. But alas, all that was in vain in a dark workplace. Not to mention that I drove a good way to get to work…and now, back home.

That’s where I am. Home. But, it’s still all good. I get a lot of work done at home. And, I’m not frustrated. I put my clothes away and put on sweats. My computer works the same here as in the office. And, I have the work that I have to complete today sitting right here beside me. So, off to work I go! Happy and thankful – and not the least bit frustrated. Thank you Lord for changing my perspective. Now, because of your work in my heart, I can look at this situation with new eyes and be glad that my work can be done nearly anywhere. That’s such a blessing.

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Practical Wisdom from a Practical Dad

My daddy has always had an interesting way of communicating with me. Lately, with all of the big jets crashing into the Atlantic, my thougths had turned to a bit of worry. Particularly since I was about to make another transatlantic trip.

So, being the Christian that I am, I prayed for comfort and God readily supplied it. And then to make sure that I was okay, He sent in reinforcements. He sent my daddy.

The night before my trip, I was talking to Daddy - telling him of my past bravado.

People would ask - "Aren't you scared to fly so long - especially over the Atlantic?"
My response - "No, planes are safer than cars. They just make news because when something goes wrong, so many are injured or killed but God makes no mistakes. There are no runways on the Atlantic. And, quite frankly, I have got my business straight with God, so if I go down, I'll just be with the Lord sooner than I'd planned."

Of course, my reply was matter of fact.

And my matter of factness was challenged with these planes taking unexpected dips in the ocean. So, my daddy, being the practical man that he is said:

"Oh, don't worry. You will be fine. If anything were to happen, you will coast about 100 miles and land somewhere."

Now, that may not comfort you, but it made me know that everything would be fine. My imagination had my plane breaking up over the Atlantic like those false reports on Air France.

As I type this, I'm sitting at my desk - safely back from Germany. The outbound trip was fine - no problems. I even slept as we crossed the Atlantic. The inbound trip was fine too. God, in my imagination, guided my plane to and from on the tip of his finger.

I have recognized that I have no control in this manner, but I do know that God does. I thank Him for sending my daddy - a man of interesting wisdom designed to suit this interesting daughter.

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Jennifer, Mary and Me

Saturday at She Speaks was fantastic! While I could go into the details, I'll spare you. I do want to say that God began stirring my heart in ways that he'd never done before.

I began networking like never before. I purposefully sat with people I did not know - and guess what? - I made new friends!

I even met Jennifer Rothschild. Prior to the conference, I was not familiar with her, but after the conference...wow! What a blessing. You can find information on her here. At She Speaks, she talked about her shortcomings and how God met her in every situation. God has given her an awesome ministry. And, she's a great person too - she came to She Speaks at no charge to the ministry, right after speaking at another conference. She barely made it there in time to speak. And even after speaking, she pressed forward and held a book signing and meet and greet. Here is our picture together:

She is a lovely lady and has dealt with her life in a way that honors God. I cannot imagine losing my sight at 15 but Jennifer has taken a big bump in the road and used it to glorify God. Thank you God for such a precious example of your grace and mercy.

Switching gears a bit, I cannot write about Saturday without mentioning Mary DeMuth. She gave us all copies of her latest book Daisy Chain. I haven't started reading it yet, but I will soon. And, I already know that it's going to be fantastic. She is an accomplished writer, but more importantly, she really loves the Lord. You can see Him all over her when she speaks.

Having the opportunity to hang out with other writers and speakers and feel the presence of God - well, I just have to say that it was wonderful. I feel revived. I am so very grateful to the Lord. He blessed me through so many good-spirited christian women.

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She Speaks - He has done it again!

He has done it again! It amazes me how amazing God is.

Not only did He take me to and from Germany with no incident nor accident, (but I am still breaking up with Frank) He also saw fit during all that travel to take me to one more destination – Concord, North Carolina for She Speaks.

She Speaks is my favorite conference and I try to go as often as I can. In fact, this is either my third or fourth trip, but I can’t remember right at the moment.

I have to admit that I was feeling the pressure of being prepared for both my trip to Germany and the follow-on trip to Concord. There was only one day in between the two! Mercy! That’s what I cried. And that’s what I got. God’s great and abundant mercy and grace!

Can I tell you how He moved in my life this weekend? Okay. I’ll start with Friday.

Friday, I learned so much. In particular, if I had to summarize all of the knowledge, I would pinpoint two things:

(1) Lysa’s message (president of Proverbs 31) was about finding my own remarkABLE. She stepped on my toes talking about discipline – particularly since I teach the spiritual disciplines class at church. Ouch. But, she also let me know that I am in control of me, but it’s not about me. My choices should honor God – and when I’m thankful, that makes me remarkABLE. So, no longer will I say what I have to do, I can say what I am ABLE to do. I know. Puts a whole new spin on that “to do list.” Go to Proverbs 31 and get the CD.

(2) But secondly, on Friday night, I got some really good practical tips for my writing. The aptly named session: Top Tips from a Veteran Publisher did not disappoint. Sandy Vander Zicht was our presenter and wow… what else can be said after that? I wish I could tell you but I can’t find the words. It was some really great information. I know – call Proverbs 31 and ask about Sandy’s session.

So much happened during the weekend that I am just going to have to break it up into different blog posts. I don’t want to short change any of the experience – which was by all accounts – a mighty move of God. I have so much to share. Stay tuned!

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