What do you do when the bottom falls out? Life sometimes will throw us for a loop. Sometimes it feels like it’s raining and you’re drowning in the ensuing flood. Lest I be a little more melodramatic, this is essentially how things went for me on Wednesday. But, I made a decision early on when the first leak in the boat came. I told the Lord that I didn’t know what He had in store for the day, but I was going to trust Him and cling to Him.
So, that’s exactly what I did as leak by leak burst forth from every angle. I don’t share this to glory in myself or what I was able to do. But instead, I share this so that you may know that God is yet on the throne and He can handle even the worst of days. For every leak, He’s got a solution and you will not drown nor perish despite what you are going through. God is good to us like that.
At the end of the day, when I was able to assess exactly the ways that God supplied, I was humbled all the more. I am amazed at how He kept me. And the cool thing is, He does not just do this for me, He does it for everyone who calls Him Father, and recognizes Him as Lord. It’s amazing.
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