Mel Gibson is a Man

The Bible was right when it said that man will disappoint you every time.

I’m disappointed today.

On my drive in to work, I heard that Mel Gibson is divorcing his wife of some 28 years, and not only that, to add salt into the wound, his girlfriend is pregnant. His wife filed for divorce. The couple has seven children together, six of whom are adults. They had been living apart for three years (as reported from a San Francisco paper). Now, I simply didn't expect this is from the man who put his money and faith into making the movie that I just watched a few weeks ago at Easter. The movie that was so real and moving and reminded me of just how unworthy I am. The movie that drove congregations out to the theaters and was the much talked about faith-based film. The Passion of the Christ. I expected more from Mel Gibson. And, quite frankly, that’s the problem.

God never told me to elevate Mel Gibson in my mind to some warrior of the faith. No, I did that on my own. Mel Gibson is a man, prone to mistakes. Just like me. Mel Gibson has his own trials and triumphs to experience. Just like me. Mel Gibson has his own set of choices to make. Just like I do.

So, why then do I dare be disappointed today?

Did the Kingdom of God take a hit today? No, not really. God knows Mel Gibson better than anyone else. He knew about his marriage and his propensity for women and related relations. He knew about his propensity for alcohol long before the public became aware via that infamous mugshot. He knew then. He knows now.

I’m disappointed because I expected that the man behind the movie that pushed Hollywood into its “uncomfortable” zone would have been a brighter light for Christ. He had the influence and the inroads – and He did it – He made a movie that Hollywood scoffed at, at first. And while he was promoting the movie and such, I prayed for him that he would be a vessel that God would use. But now, with this recent activity, I find myself disappointed that I did not continue in my prayer efforts for Mel Gibson. I should have been praying more, not less, after the movie hit the shelves of movie rental places and home DVD cabinets. I should have been praying more that the work that he’d begun for Christ would last. And, I should have been praying more that God would place true believers, godly people in his daily experience of life. I’m not taking blame unto myself. I’m opening my eyes to see that those who stand for Christ need much covering through prayer. The enemy rejoices when he can tarnish a vessel that leads or could lead someone to Christ.

So, will you join me in prayer for all Christians, all believers in the most-high God. Pray that our efforts for the Lord not be in vain, pray that we live lives that mirror the truth of God’s Word. Pray that we are light, pure light, in this dark, sin-bathed world. Mel Gibson is but a man. And so are we. We all stand in the need of prayer. Let’s pray much for one another – ALL of the time!