I have been raised with this ideology – if you love someone, then you tell them the truth no matter how much it hurts. The truth wins out over emotions in the long run. And, I’ve done a really good job dishing out the “truth” over the years - sometimes with the needed compassion and sometimes not, but I'm growing. Sure, there have been times when Iwould much rather not be the messenger, but I’ve forged ahead in the confidence of knowing that the truth was the best medicine.
Now, I find myself in a rather interesting predicament. It’s not an issue of if to tell the truth to this person, it’s a matter of when. Right now, said person is highly sensitive. Any challenges to this person’s viewpoint are shut down. This has never bothered me before – I just went right on ahead and gave them some knowledge. But, now I’m stuck. Ironically, because of my love for this person, I don’t want to see them hurt and I’m desparately trying to find an appropriate time to share this truth that the Lord has laid on my heart. When should this truth be revealed? Timing is everything now. Nevertheless, this truth will assuredly be shared, even if not received.
So, I’m committed to making this a matter of prayer. I've got the truth wrapped in the words. Now I just need to know God's timing on this. I'm on my knees with this.
Lord, please give me the strength to carry out your assignment. Please give me the confidence to march forward and share this truth that may hurt now but will prove redemptive later. Help me to be like a gardener, pruning a plant, only interested in future growth. And, please God, may the one that I need to share this knowlede with, receive it in the realization that I am not trying to hurt, but instead to help. This is my prayer in the name of your Son Jesus…Amen.
Fellow bloggy friends, will you pray with me too? I appreciate it and I appreciate you.
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