In His Safety

I made it to Friday by the grace of God. It’s been a tough week, but I want to thank each and every one of you that walked with me this week. You are my prayer warriors and my friends.

So, let me give you an update on some of the things we’ve been praying for:

I wrote about my co-worker that had a heart attack. He is recovering. He had some complications but God kept him through them. As a result, he is being released from the hospital and will go back later for some other heart work. God is so good. This man who had 80% blockage on Tuesday, went home to his house on Thursday. That’s amazing! Thank you God!

My co-worker that lost her mother is grieving now. Please continue to pray for God’s comfort. In fact, please pray for my other friend, one that I did not blog about, that lost his grandmother. Please pray for his comfort as well.

God is still moving in the situation with my co-worker’s husband, who is still in dangerous territory. Please continue to pray for God’s protection.

I also wrote to you about another co-worker’s mother. She is still in the hands of the Lord. He is keeping her even as she battles for her health. Please continue to pray for her strength.

A few posts back, I spoke about my friend who was in the hospital who needed a heart transplant, received it and now needs another. He is battling for his health and God is ever-faithful. Please continue to pray for His strength and peace of mind as he walks this road of waiting. I pray that he will keep his focus on God and not get discouraged.

And even while all of this was going on, I received word that the grandfather of one of my friends has been hospitalized for a heart attack. God kept him as well.

All of this sickness and loss moves me to deeper prayer. And that’s why I am so grateful for all of you who have partnered with me in prayer. We’ve had the opportunity to once again experience God as our Jehovah-Jireh, our provider. His provision for us is sufficient. We’ve had the opportunity to experience Him as Jehovah-Rophe, the Lord that heals us. And while we were thinking primarily about a physical healing, I have also experienced Him this week as an emotional healer. Thank you Lord. For in the midst of this storm, God has been my Jehovah-Shalom, Lord You are my peace! I thank Him right now. I worship Him right now unashamed. He has shown me that He is my help – no other name I know. There is no other place to go. And, when I join hands with the Father, although I’m no doctor, on my knees, I can submit my prayers for those lying in hospital beds helpless and in need in prayer. And, in my distress, when medicines don’t work and words don’t find their way to my lips, I know that He is Jehovah-Shammah, the Lord who is there, carrying me through it all, and more importantly, surrounding my friends, my co-workers, and my loved ones. Truly strength is not in me but it is in Him.

I move into this weekend, celebrating the Lord, even more. For He has been more than an on-time God. He has been the God that never leaves. He is El Shaddai, God Almighty – God All Sufficient. We are all in His safety today! Won’t you join me in praise for Him today?!

Surviving the Ensuing Flood

What do you do when the bottom falls out? Life sometimes will throw us for a loop. Sometimes it feels like it’s raining and you’re drowning in the ensuing flood. Lest I be a little more melodramatic, this is essentially how things went for me on Wednesday. But, I made a decision early on when the first leak in the boat came. I told the Lord that I didn’t know what He had in store for the day, but I was going to trust Him and cling to Him.

So, that’s exactly what I did as leak by leak burst forth from every angle. I don’t share this to glory in myself or what I was able to do. But instead, I share this so that you may know that God is yet on the throne and He can handle even the worst of days. For every leak, He’s got a solution and you will not drown nor perish despite what you are going through. God is good to us like that.

At the end of the day, when I was able to assess exactly the ways that God supplied, I was humbled all the more. I am amazed at how He kept me. And the cool thing is, He does not just do this for me, He does it for everyone who calls Him Father, and recognizes Him as Lord. It’s amazing.

Our Anchor in the Midst of a Storm

Tuesday should have been a calm day. Everyone should have been coming back from the beach, or from visiting family and in a calm, cool and collected mood. But instead, Tuesday was a day when I was abruptly reminded of our desperate need for God.

Here is a sampling of what Tuesday released on this unsuspecting soul:

  • My co-worker’s father, who I just saw in the cafeteria, was suddenly rushed to the hospital, vomiting and complaining of chest pains. He had a heart attack and went into surgery. He needs 6 stints.

  • Another co-worker’s mother, who had been ill, passed away on Tuesday. She, understandably, has been crying uncontrollably.

  • One more co-worker’s husband, is working remotely, and is in a dangerous and volatile environment.

  • Yet another co-worker is out on short-term disability, recovering from surgery. While this co-worker was recovering this weekend, her mother grew ill and needed to be rushed to the hospital.

I could tell you more, but for now, I think you will agree with me that we are in desperate need of God.

Although my plans and expectations for the day were quite different, I am fully aware that God is the one that orchestrates the time and events of our days. He is not surprised nor taken off-guard by what happened on Tuesday. So, we turn to Him. He is Sovereign Lord. I turn to Him in full faith that He will move in each of these circumstances. I pray that you too will join me in prayer for the ones listed above. The winds of Tuesday have blown with ferocity, but thank God, He is our anchor in the midst of the storm.


Note: the picture of the anchor can be found here:

Do Make the Time

Death is common to all, yet when it reaches inside your family, it takes on a depth that is unmistakable. A friend of mine lost his grandmother just a few short days ago. And, while I join in support with his friends, I can only imagine the pain that his heart must feel. For when I lost my maternal grandparents, the loss was unimaginable to me.

When my maternal grandmother died, I was young in my faith. I could not understand why her life had taken so many turns that got progressively worse. I could not understand why this sweet woman that loved me and helped raise me would have to be confined both physically and mentally. She spent her last days in a nursing home with Alzheimer’s.

When my maternal grandfather died, I had matured a bit more but I still wondered why he was taken from me. This death felt more personal. After my grandmother died, I clung more closely to grandfather. We would have lunch together and spend the day together. And, by lunch, that meant me picking up some of his favorite fast-food and bringing it to his house. We would sit in the recliners and kick our feet up, talk, eat and sleep (nod off). Going to see my grandfather was a bit of a mini-vacation to me. The pace of life was slower and things that troubled me were checked at the door.

So, when I lost both maternal grandparents, I was thrown for more than a loop. Hearing of my friend’s loss has taken me back to a place of remembrance. The flood of memories of my grandparents have warmed me. I am reminded of their love and their care. I am reminded of their character and their ways. If they were still alive, I wonder what new memories we would have created together. I still have the bicycle that my grandfather purchased for me when I was ten years old. It is stored in my garage now. I still have the patio set that we all sat on time and time again. I still cherish their lives and their ministry that preached to me even when I was unaware. I look back now and can hear their sermons when I reflect on their legacy.

I still don’t understand why they died when they died. I have come to accept that it’s not for me to know. I do trust God and His perfect timing. For the people in your lives that you love, do spend time with them. Do make the time. For if it should happen that you are the one left behind, you will have your memories to cherish, now and forever.

Note: Picture used is from AARP and can be found here.

The Unknown Soldier

In rememberance of Memorial Day, please take a moment to read this poem written by Roger J. Robicheau.

The Unknown Soldier
by Roger J. Robicheau

The Unknown Soldier

You need not ever know my name

This unknown soldier seeks no fame

I'm here to bring out thought from you

May your heart see more than your view

America, we marched with pride

We gave our life, for you we died

How well we knew the time might come

When life could sound that final drum

Please think of us as life moves on

We tried so hard till that last dawn

Do let our spirit fill the land

Pass treasured freedom, hand to hand

God blessed this country with such love

Hold in your heart, abundance of

And when you stand before my grave

Think not of one, but each who gave

©2003Roger J. Robicheau

Remember the Reason for Memorial Day

Question: Did you know that Memorial Day was originally known by another name? Can you guess what that was? (cue the Jeopardy music....)



Are you still thinking?

Well, it was originally called Decoration Day. Thus named because it was the day for decorating the graves of those who died in defense of our country with flowers and flags.

We are never to forget their sacrifice, made-willingly for our country. I read on Wikipedia that “we should guard their graves with sacred vigilance” as an act of final tribute and respect. We should “let no neglect, no ravages of time; testify to the present or to the coming generations that we have forgotten as a people the cost of a free and undivided republic.

Yet over time, the emphasis of the sacrifice made has been watered down. We think of Memorial Day weekend as that time to head to the beach and time to start thinking about summer. We use the weekend for marriages and cookouts and any and everything else that we want to do. And, in themselves, there is nothing wrong with that. I’m just encouraging us today to think a little more about the fact that we are indeed fighting two wars – still. Regardless of your political association, we cannot forget that those who suit up and go into battle on our behalves are our brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, husbands and wives, fathers and mothers. And, while we hope and pray that they will come back from war the same way they went – alive – we also recognize that their job is one that does not carry that guarantee. Any really, no one else has that guarantee either, but I trust that you see what I mean.

But we do know this, God is in control. So, we don’t throw a pity party when they go off to do their job. Instead, we rally around them with our physical support and our spiritual prayers. We give them a proper send-off to battle and when we can’t hold them close, we hold them in prayer. I’ve had a few friends of mine go off to war repeatedly. God has held them close, even as I held them in prayer. Their deployments are long; conditions stressful. But each time, God has been faithful in bringing them home safely. Even Chunk’s mother will soon face this reality of war. We will miss her while she’s away, but we will hold her in prayer. We honor our brave soldiers on Memorial Day. We give you our flowers now, while you are living. I tell you Thank you!!!

Yet, everybody does not come home alive. And in rare instances, everybody does not come home. We honor these people especially on Memorial Day. Yes, we decorate the graves and we pray. We take a national moment of remembrance at 3pm ET and we fly our flags half-staff from dawn until noon. We do things together as a family unit – we exercise our freedom that these service men and women died to protect.
However you respectfully do it, please take the time to remember our military personnel this weekend. Don’t just let it be all about what you want to do for yourselves or for your family. But instead, do something that is inclusive of those who are serving or gave their lives in service to this great country.

Let’s leave politics aside this weekend and focus on the people. Our soldiers. May they go forth and serve us well. May we honor those who gave their all in service to this nation.

Remember them on Memorial Day.

Get your kids involved too!
I found some coloring pages for your kids for Memorial Day (I know what you’re thinking, but Chunks can’t color yet. When he gets a little older, perhaps next year, we can drag out the good ole coloring book and let him have at it. I know he won’t stay in the lines! I just know it!!) Anyway, for the young and old at heart, here’s a link to some rather cool pages to help in your commemoration of Memorial Day.

Voting our Beliefs and Convictions

Well, this week has been full of shockers!

Based on talent alone, I was sure that the Dancing with the Stars champion would be Gilles Marini – (not based on his freestyle which was clearly all about Cheryl Burke instead of Marini, but on his body of work over the whole season). And I was sure that the next American Idol would be Adam. I didn’t watch the whole season, but I thought he was a better singer than Kris. Boy, was I wrong!

America still roots for the underdog. Shawn Johnson beat Gilles Marini on Dancing and Kris Allen beat Adam Lambert on Idol. Both dubbed dark horses, improved their performances over time to overtake the hearts of the voting public.

Some say that it’s not who wins but who gets the career boost or career at all in the case of Idol. Definitely Marini will get a boost to his career. ABC reportedly has already signed him to some episodes of Brothers and Sisters. There really is no doubt that Lambert will be launched into stardom. The man can sing all kinds of genres.

It is unclear whether external factors played a role in deciding who won. For instance, did Cheryl’s comments about knowing how to make a winner combined with her “all about me” freestyle jeopardize the mirror-ball trophy for Gilles or did America really think that American-born and raised, spunky Olympic gymnast Shawn Johnson was truly a better dancer? One will never know. Or is it the case the boy-next-door-looking Kris Allen with his smooth, but not polished, sultry voice is a better singer than the guyliner wearing, reportedly homosexual, vocally accomplished Adam Lambert? One will never know.

What is interesting in all of this is that overall, subconsciously or not, we vote our beliefs and convictions. And a quick examination of what we do and how we do it, will signal to our own selves exactly what we believe. Can you believe that?

This week, was the week for the underdog - that scrappy American spirit that was present for the founding of our nation. The determination to never give up and never give in. Congrations to Shawn and Kris!

Stop Making Excuses

It is too easy to give up on God when life gets hard. Several times, through several people – Christians, I hear this long mantra about if God was real then He would have or would not have done XYZ. Or, I get to hear that walking the Christian walk is too hard and too restrictive. Or, I get to hear the much overused line that is pulled out when we commit sin but are looking for a way to excuse ourselves, come on, say it with me, “well, God knows my heart.” These are just excuses manufactured by your adversary to keep you away from the abundant life that is yours in the Lord.

I’m so glad that our Savior, Jesus, didn’t make excuses. When life got hard for Him, you never saw him quit. I bet you never thought about that, huh? Think about how His life was for Him when He was teaching and preaching the gospel to the point of exhaustion. When everywhere He went people in droves were pressing after Him and seeking Him – desiring something from Him. How about how He must have felt when after all of His teaching and preaching, people still would deny Him and after all the miracles He performed, He was still led up to that cross. Think about the Garden of Gethsemane when making His final preparations before allowing Himself to be taken, that He sweat blood. But our lives are too hard? No, I don’t think so.

Stop making excuses. Jesus, our example, never gave up. He never gave in. And, if we are to be like Him, then we must never give up and never give in. Doing so is surrendering to the adversary. So, keep the faith. Chin up. It’s not over until God says it over. Keep fighting until the victory is won.

Mel Gibson is a Man

The Bible was right when it said that man will disappoint you every time.

I’m disappointed today.

On my drive in to work, I heard that Mel Gibson is divorcing his wife of some 28 years, and not only that, to add salt into the wound, his girlfriend is pregnant. His wife filed for divorce. The couple has seven children together, six of whom are adults. They had been living apart for three years (as reported from a San Francisco paper). Now, I simply didn't expect this is from the man who put his money and faith into making the movie that I just watched a few weeks ago at Easter. The movie that was so real and moving and reminded me of just how unworthy I am. The movie that drove congregations out to the theaters and was the much talked about faith-based film. The Passion of the Christ. I expected more from Mel Gibson. And, quite frankly, that’s the problem.

God never told me to elevate Mel Gibson in my mind to some warrior of the faith. No, I did that on my own. Mel Gibson is a man, prone to mistakes. Just like me. Mel Gibson has his own trials and triumphs to experience. Just like me. Mel Gibson has his own set of choices to make. Just like I do.

So, why then do I dare be disappointed today?

Did the Kingdom of God take a hit today? No, not really. God knows Mel Gibson better than anyone else. He knew about his marriage and his propensity for women and related relations. He knew about his propensity for alcohol long before the public became aware via that infamous mugshot. He knew then. He knows now.

I’m disappointed because I expected that the man behind the movie that pushed Hollywood into its “uncomfortable” zone would have been a brighter light for Christ. He had the influence and the inroads – and He did it – He made a movie that Hollywood scoffed at, at first. And while he was promoting the movie and such, I prayed for him that he would be a vessel that God would use. But now, with this recent activity, I find myself disappointed that I did not continue in my prayer efforts for Mel Gibson. I should have been praying more, not less, after the movie hit the shelves of movie rental places and home DVD cabinets. I should have been praying more that the work that he’d begun for Christ would last. And, I should have been praying more that God would place true believers, godly people in his daily experience of life. I’m not taking blame unto myself. I’m opening my eyes to see that those who stand for Christ need much covering through prayer. The enemy rejoices when he can tarnish a vessel that leads or could lead someone to Christ.

So, will you join me in prayer for all Christians, all believers in the most-high God. Pray that our efforts for the Lord not be in vain, pray that we live lives that mirror the truth of God’s Word. Pray that we are light, pure light, in this dark, sin-bathed world. Mel Gibson is but a man. And so are we. We all stand in the need of prayer. Let’s pray much for one another – ALL of the time!

Chunks Can Walk! And You Can Too!

Chunks can walk!

Y’all I can’t believe it. Chunks is my godson. He is 11 months old, and well, rather stocky. But, he’s healthy and the absolute delight of my existence. When he’s with me, we do all sorts of fun things including his all-time favorite game – “Climbing over Aunt Sanya,” drooling on me the whole time (Yuck). My little fella likes to be close. So, even if that means driving toys all over me just so that he can have an excuse not to play on the floor – well, that’s what he’ll do. And, I, being the accommodating person that I am submit to becoming an adventuresome highway.

But now, Chunks has a highway all of his own. You see, walking, or the attempt thereof, is nothing new for my little guy. He pulls himself up, balances himself with his arms slightly out to the right and the left and then, when everything is stable, with feet firmly planted and arms in place to hold onto something – like my ottoman, or my hands, he walks …. From the left to right. Not straight in front of himself mind you, but from left to right. I call it the “chunks side step.”

He is finding freedom and mobility more and more every day though. You see, I was informed that now, he walks forward now. No more side to side business. This was breaking news last night at my household. I’m so excited for the little guy!
The whole thing reminded me of our relationship with the Lord. We start out as babies, just wanting to be close. When we get saved sho’ nuff, we can’t get enough of the Lord. Every time the doors of the church open, we are right there, yearning to be feed the milk of the Word. But as time moves on, we learn new things and experience a different level in Christ. We want meat. We run all over the Word exploring its pages and getting knowledge, finding our rhythm and balance in Him. And then we branch out. Confident in whom we are as the redeemed of God. And sure we may “side step” from time to time, but we make it forward, by the grace of God.

Walk on.

Chunks Can Walk! And You Can Too!

Chunks can walk!

Y’all I can’t believe it. Chunks is my godson. He is 11 months old, and well, rather stocky. But, he’s healthy and the absolute delight of my existence. When he’s with me, we do all sorts of fun things including his all-time favorite game – “Climbing over Aunt Sanya,” drooling on me the whole time (Yuck). My little fella likes to be close. So, even if that means driving toys all over me just so that he can have an excuse not to play on the floor – well, that’s what he’ll do. And, I, being the accommodating person that I am submit to becoming an adventuresome highway.

But now, Chunks has a highway all of his own. You see, walking, or the attempt thereof, is nothing new for my little guy. He pulls himself up, balances himself with his arms slightly out to the right and the left and then, when everything is stable, with feet firmly planted and arms in place to hold onto something – like my ottoman, or my hands, he walks …. From the left to right. Not straight in front of himself mind you, but from left to right. I call it the “chunks side step.”

He is finding freedom and mobility more and more every day though. You see, I was informed that now, he walks forward now. No more side to side business. This was breaking news last night at my household. I’m so excited for the little guy!
The whole thing reminded me of our relationship with the Lord. We start out as babies, just wanting to be close. When we get saved sho’ nuff, we can’t get enough of the Lord. Every time the doors of the church open, we are right there, yearning to be feed the milk of the Word. But as time moves on, we learn new things and experience a different level in Christ. We want meat. We run all over the Word exploring its pages and getting knowledge, finding our rhythm and balance in Him. And then we branch out. Confident in whom we are as the redeemed of God. And sure we may “side step” from time to time, but we make it forward, by the grace of God.

Walk on.

Celie, I'm Coming!

I’m so excited. Tonight, my sister and I are going to see “The Color Purple.” The play is in town and we’ve got some good seats! Yay! So, after I work today, I’ll run home, get dressed and go enjoy the show.

My sister and I have always had a thing for musicals. It all started with the Sound of Music, which I have in VHS, DVD and Special Edition DVD. And, of course, I’ll also have it in Blu-Ray if it comes out on Blu-Ray and if I ever get a Blu-Ray player. Donations accepted. Joking. But, truly we’ve always loved musicals. For me, I feel transported to another space and time. They send me right into the thick of what’s going on and I become a participant and not a viewer. Now, this can get a little uncomfortable for some because if a character is upset – well, so am I; and if a character that I’ve connected with starts crying – well, start-up the water works, cause I’m crying too. It’s a distraction that I welcome. It’s a mini-vacation of sorts from my own world.

Many people have told me they feel this way when they read books by certain authors. Nicolas Sparks springs to mind here. I have only read one of his books (gasp!) but I agree with the recommenders. Sparks will take you there – to the edge of your emotions – and he crafts a good story, pulling the reader in all the way.

So, I‘m expecting great things from this play. I’m looking forward to connecting with Celie, partnering with her through the trials and celebrating with her through the triumphs. I believe that it’s going to be a wonderful experience that will take me back to the heart of the story, energize me with the singing, and make me appreciate every little thing around me – even the color purple. Celie, I'll see you tonight!

Get on Up!

“Oh man! I was doing so good but then I slipped.”
Does this statement sound familiar? Probably so. Let’s just think of a few applications of this statement:

Oh man! I was doing so good with my EXERCISE ROUTINE but then I slipped.
Oh man! I was doing so good with my DIET but then I slipped. I had to have that key lime pie! (true statement)
Oh man! I was doing so good with getting to work on time, but then I slipped.
Oh man! I was doing so good with my morning quiet time, but then I slipped.
Oh man! I was doing so good… but then I slipped…

The first reaction when this statement becomes our own, is a mixture of frustration, self-doubt/pity and disappointment. And, that’s understandable. You were committed to something and for whatever reason, you’ve let yourself down. I know this to be true. I’ve been trying to lose a few pounds for a minute. I do good and the minute I see results, then I’m back to my old habits. That’s a wrong way of achieving a goal.

You see, I need to commit to something more permanent. I need to commit to simply getting a few pounds off of me for my health. I need to make better choices with the foods that I eat. For example, I love French fries. Always have. Well, now that I’m a wee-bit older, French fries love me too. Meaning, when I eat them, they tend to stick around. You remember that commercial where everything the woman ate attached itself to her hips. Yep. Okay. You see where I’m coming from. Back in the day, I couldn’t buy hips but now….well, there’s a need for the elliptical! You see, I’ve gotten beyond the self-doubt and frustration. I’m not even disappointed. I can laugh at myself and keep things moving. I fell off the exercise wagon – okay, let’s just be real…I jumped off the exercise wagon and now I’m ready to get on and stay on for good.

Now, here I am, telling the world that I need to lose a few pounds. And, I will. No doubt about it. I’m committed to an improved, healthier lifestyle that includes a fitting diet and exercise. It’s what’s best for me. And, that’s what I’m after. So, yes, I have slipped but thank God that when I fell down, He was right there with me, helping me to stand once again.

Whatever may be getting the better of you, know that God is right there with you too – willing and able to help you to stand. Trust Him, and keep pressing.

God is so good!

The ministry of the Father is amazing. Through my devotion, He has been answering questions for me. I don’t read ahead of the actual date of my devotion so I always find it a pleasant surprise when something that I’ve just gone to the Lord about is answered as soon as I open my devotion for the day. God is good like that. How could Henry Blackaby know what I would ask God on which day? He couldn’t – so all glory goes to God. Oh - the devotion I'm referring to is the "Experience God" book by Henry Blackaby.

Thank you to all of you who partnered with me in prayer concerning the situation I raised in my last post. I’ve got an answer for that too. So, you can cross that off of your prayer list as a successful answer. Thanks once more – It humbles me to know that so many of you are praying with and for me. In case you were wondering, I pray for you too!

I’ve been blogging since 2007. It started as just something to do to make myself keep writing. But now, thanks to all of you that stop by and read and comment via the web or my email, it’s much more than that. I look forward to posting. I look forward to reading your comments and I look forward to following your comments back to your own blog, for those of you that have blogs. Through our network, we encourage each other and strengthen one another. That feels great doesn’t it?

I have a grateful heart right now. God is so good to us.

"If you love them, tell them the truth"

I have been raised with this ideology – if you love someone, then you tell them the truth no matter how much it hurts. The truth wins out over emotions in the long run. And, I’ve done a really good job dishing out the “truth” over the years - sometimes with the needed compassion and sometimes not, but I'm growing. Sure, there have been times when Iwould much rather not be the messenger, but I’ve forged ahead in the confidence of knowing that the truth was the best medicine.

Now, I find myself in a rather interesting predicament. It’s not an issue of if to tell the truth to this person, it’s a matter of when. Right now, said person is highly sensitive. Any challenges to this person’s viewpoint are shut down. This has never bothered me before – I just went right on ahead and gave them some knowledge. But, now I’m stuck. Ironically, because of my love for this person, I don’t want to see them hurt and I’m desparately trying to find an appropriate time to share this truth that the Lord has laid on my heart. When should this truth be revealed? Timing is everything now. Nevertheless, this truth will assuredly be shared, even if not received.
So, I’m committed to making this a matter of prayer. I've got the truth wrapped in the words. Now I just need to know God's timing on this. I'm on my knees with this.

Lord, please give me the strength to carry out your assignment. Please give me the confidence to march forward and share this truth that may hurt now but will prove redemptive later. Help me to be like a gardener, pruning a plant, only interested in future growth. And, please God, may the one that I need to share this knowlede with, receive it in the realization that I am not trying to hurt, but instead to help. This is my prayer in the name of your Son Jesus…Amen.

Fellow bloggy friends, will you pray with me too? I appreciate it and I appreciate you.

Motherhood is a Spirit

I sat on the cushy pew wondering how the pastor might pull a good mother’s day message from this passage. One mother killed her own baby by accident and the other mother had her baby taken away - stolen. It was as if I was watching a movie unfold as he told his rendition of the passage and added bits of color here and there to help us to understand exactly what was going on. I was enthralled with the ending message. It was this:

Motherhood is a spirit.

Some people will tell you that in order to be a mother, you must have given birth to a child. And while that is a common secular definition of motherhood, it is not in the spirit of motherhood. For even if we go back to earlier communities, familiar phrases such as this one pierce our ears: “It takes a village to raise a child.” Motherhood then is not something done in a vacuum. It’s not a single act performed by a single person every single day. But true motherhood is a spirit and a gifting. Can I get an amen from the foster and adoptive parents?!

It is not the birthing process that makes one a mother. But instead, it’s the responses that follow. Many elderly women, whose feet that I’ve had the opportunity to sit at tell me this, “getting the baby here is the easy part.” (They must have been excluding labor – I’ve seen videos and getting the baby here looks anything but easy – but I also understand what they were saying.) That’s the single part – one person can do that. Everything beyond the birth should involve community.

What then do we make of some mothers who, upon striking out on this adventure, refuse to heed wise counsel? Those who would reject community? What then can we say to those who have been given godly wisdom to impart?

We realize this: those who refuse wise counsel, ARE within their rights to refuse the counsel. My mother always said “a hard head makes a soft behind.” Life will whip them into the knowledge of the wisdom that you were trying to impart. Nevertheless, these mother’s have the right to choose their own path. Just like you have the right to choose your own path.

However, those who have been given wise counsel to share ARE NOT excused from sharing the counsel. No matter how uncomfortable it is to say to that mother, you must remember that you are a messenger. Your job is not to comfort the mother nor appease her, but instead to give her the message. So, give the message, and move on. Often times, the mother’s refusal is not personal, so don’t take it that way. If you have been given godly wisdom and the permission to share it, then by all means, share it. If the mother refuses your wisdom, she will answer to God for that. Just like the offer of salvation, all you have to do is to tell the good news, the choice to receive the good news is up to the sinner. In this example, just share the advice that was laid on your heart.

And to the pastor's point, you are not disqualified from giving advice to mothers if you do not have children. Motherhood is a spirit. And, like in the passage the pastor preached, simply put, some mothers simply have more sense than others. Some mothers are better equipped than others. And, some women have been given the spirit of Motherhood and make for excellent mothers to children who have never shared their womb. Let me repeat - community is essential.

So, don’t be dismayed and don’t be discouraged if you share some information with a mother who doesn’t think you know what you’re talking about. She may just not know herself or she may be in a position where she just refuses to receive it from you for whatever reason. You do what God leads you to do and everything else will take care of itself. Now, that is a guarantee.

Mother by secular definition - walk in your motherhood spirit.

Mother without evidence from the womb - walk in your motherhood spirit.

It's a partnership. It's about community. And, it's all good.

God Bless You!

In My Face

I've got a new little friend.

Well, he's not really all that new. And, well, he's a little more than a friend. He's family. And, well, to be honest, he's not all that little either. He's tall for his age, but still adorable.

Anyway, I've been hanging out with my new little friend this week and we've become buddies. I don't know why it is this way, but I seem to make friends with kids quicker than adults. Oh well. This little friend will follow me into the room where I'm staying at his house and play on the bed. Well, it's technically more of a wallow. Anyway, he's hanging out on the bed having himself as good time, babbling and laughing. And, sometimes I will tickle him and other times I will do whatever it is that I planned to do while in the room.

When I leave the room, my little friend will turn out the light and I'll close the door. We play on the floor. We run around his house. And, we have a blast with each other. The newness with each other is now gone. We are buddies - familiar. So much so that when I was laying on the couch, he came up to me, crawled on me and began wallowing on me. I know I gained weight but I didn't think I looked wide like furniture. But alas, my little friend wallowed on me anyway. He rolled left and he rolled right and then it happened. He spun around and put his little diapered behind in my face!

What! I couldn't help but laugh - which made him laugh more.

I don't know what it is with me and kids but I thank God that they feel comfortable enough around me to treat me like furniture!

Ya gotta love it!

Have a good weekend!

Character Matters

I finally made it to see the movie Obsessed! My sister and I went last night and well, let me tell you, it's a good movie.

Now, it's not one of those movies where you may watch it again and again and it would somehow become a classic. No, that's not the appeal. But, it was a good movie. I won't go into details in the unlikely event that you haven't seen it yet. There were some things in the movie that did not add up but there were some elements of the film that made it worth the investment in time.

Character was one of the main things that I noticed during the movie. Our character matters. We need to present our character in the most reputable way and then live out that representation. When we fail to do this, our credibility is damaged, no matter our intention.

In our interaction with others, we must also remember to observe their character as well. Is what they say or how they project themselves an accurate depiction of who they are? It's something to think about. Do we really know those that are around us?

The simple answer to that is maybe we don't... just think about it. In the world of blogs, instant messages, text messages, email, social networking places like Myspace, Facebook and Twitter, do we really truly know everyone. No, I would say not. That makes our character representation all the more important. Some people interact with you through these mediums and only get a glimpse of you and think that they know you.

So, be mindful of your character. And, well, that's all I have to say about that!

A Break in My Routine

Airports are peculiar places. People are always on the go - some fast, some slow. Some people are happy and others are just in the groove - they've done this before. Their face says "been there, done that, got the t-shirt." The miracle of flying is beyond them now. To them, it is just as basic and natural as breathing. In and out of one airplane, one airport, one city and so on.

I joke sometimes that my car knows how to get to the airport itself. I do this because I am a frequent traveler. In and out of one airplane, one airport, one city and so on making my way to my destination. This day, I felt it would be no different. I loaded my car, headed to the airport, made my way to the parking garage and level that I felt would have parks based on the time of day and day of the week, unloaded my suitcase and made my way to the terminal. I, just like usual, went through security, bought a pack of my favorite snacks and just like usual, made small talk at the register and then went to my gate. Just like usual, I flew to my connecting destination, deplaned and made my way to the next gate. Then something unusual happened.

This something broke me out of my routine and made me pay attention.

This something caused me to really examine everything that I'd done that very day.

This event caused me to be grateful and to really wonder why I don't take delight in the usual.

When I arrived at my gate, I saw a man in a wheelchair. That's not unusual. People need assistance with the ramps and frequently, well, in particularly, the elderly will be wheeled around the airports in wheelchairs.

But this time it was different.

This aged gentleman, a veteran, with snow white hair that somehow seemed to age before the rest of him sat tall in his wheelchair. This was no regular wheelchair. It was advanced with lots of features on it and this gentleman knew it well. When called to the ticket counter, he moved swiftly to answer questions from the agent and to give pertinent information that would make his flight a little easier. You see, this gentleman was a triple amputee.

As he moved around, some people went about their day never even noticing him. He was invisible to them but he was not invisible to me. He was real and relevant. I looked at him, not with pity, but with gratitude. Here was a gentleman that fought for our country - were his injuries a result of his service? I don't know. I did not ask him. His presence made me question myself and how often I take everything for granted.

For my ability to walk - I thank you God.

For my health and my strength - I thank you God.

For my arms and my legs, I thank you God.

For my ability to move on my own - I thank you God.

You see, I could go on and on and on recalling the basics that I take for granted each day. That's what seeing this gentleman taught me. His presence alone ministered to me. And, I will move forward with an increasingly grateful heart.


I am going on a cruise....oh la la!

Okay, so it's not Carnival Cruise Lines or anything like that. In fact, it's really only a short trip loaded with food. But, it's a break away from the norm. I'm going on the Spirit of Norfolk Cruise with our women's ministry.

So, here's a picture of the boat, okay...yacht:

Lots of women will be on this trip so I'm expecting a great time of fellowship with the women of our congregation. I've been on this "cruise" before when I tutored for the city housing authority. The kids who had good grade point averages were able to go. They were so excited.

A child-like enthusiasm is catching!

I'm hoping to lay aside some of my adult responsibility and mentality and just relax and have fun! I'll let you know how it goes! Until then!