Yesterday was very challenging for me. I got through work just fine but then I had a meeting to attend. Now, I already was dreading this meeting because the person leading the meeting does not know how to talk to others. They can be sharp and overbearing. But, I went anyway with a little prayer in my heart that perhaps I was going to be proven wrong this time.
Well, unfortunately, that was not the case. My observation of past behavior manifested itself again.
We have to learn how to talk to people. It’s fundamentally important to our witness as Christians. Ask yourself, would you be willing to talk to someone about their Savior if you just saw them verbally assault somebody else. I think not.
And what happens in one space and time has a way of creeping in at other times as well. Oh that we would guard our mouths and speak to others just like Jesus is standing right beside them – because you know what, He is.
Take a minute to think about it.
Would you fuss that person out if the Lord Himself were standing right there beside that person? Would you add that extra bit of conversation when you know that He can hear your every word? Would you take that jab or make that remark if you had to do it before your Creator?
Again, I think not. Not when you recognize Who He is and who you are.
So, take a minute and just think before you speak. I know that I am going to set a watch as well over my mouth even more so because the time is out for speaking to people just any way that we please.
Our language should lift others up and encourage them. Even in chastisement, we can and should show love one to the other.
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5 years ago
SO, SO true! My degree is in communication and I've often felt that it would be neat to teach Christians how to communicate in a way that draws others to Christ. Not that I have it down pat, by any means--lol!-- but there is always a more Christ-like manner of communication we should all aspire to. Great post!