I love, love, love my godson. He is the light of my life. We spent last weekend together and it was simply wonderful! We went shopping, we went out to a restaurant and we played, played and played again.
He is nine months old and wonderful! My good buddy! I like it best when he wakes up in the middle of the night to put his own pacifier in his own mouth. Too cute!
My doting over him reminds me of how much God loves each of us. He dotes over us - caring for us and providing for our every need. Why? Because He is our Father and He cares for us. He wants to be involved in our every thing - invited along for our every step. Watching and guiding. And, when we are a bit restless, He provides us with His Word to soothe us - while still providing a place of rest and peace for our lives. God is so very good to all of us.
Go into this weekend thanking God for His great love for us. His love is the greatest!
God's love amazes me. I never truly understood how God continues to love me a sinner. It was not until I had my son, a precious gift from God that I began to understand true love. To love something so much despite the wrong they do daily. There is no greater love than a parent for their child. I am talking about our Heavenly Father and creator God. His love for me is so awesome that I sit and cry because of this love. To know that He loves me all day and everyday wants me to be in his presence all day. Being in love makes me want to be with God all the time. Reading the bible, prayer and just talking about God fills me with his presence. His holy word is so comforting to me in good and bad times.