If the world was his oyster, my godson would have nothing more than endless time with his mom. She takes good care of him. He loves being near her…under her feet, so to speak. As a result, he has developed a need to be near whoever is his primary caretaker. He wants to snuggle up with you, play all around you … and on you, and he definitely does not want to be left anywhere by himself – we’re talking less than 8 feet here – not another room.
I can only imagine how that must make her heart feel. He’s just a baby so of course, he wants to be around you – but there is something so much more going on. It’s as if he needs to be around you. I’m not saying this is a bad thing – or good. I don’t know. It’s just an observation at this point. But it got me to thinking about my own relationship with God, the Father.
I wonder how it makes His heart feel when the one that He carefully knit together in my mother’s womb wants to snuggle with Him and be around Him. I wonder how it must make the Sovereign Lord of the Universe feel when His creation says back to Him that they don’t want to go anywhere or be anywhere without Him.
Psalm 149 says the Lord takes pleasure in His people.
I would venture to say that it feels good to be needed.
- We should praise God for the sun and moon, and stars; praise the Lord from the earth; praise the name of the Lord (Psalm 148)
- God goes before His people (Psalm 68)
- Save me…I’m weary…deliver me out of the mire, and let me not sink…(Psalm 69)
We need the Lord. He is here. He is near us. He is our security. Much like my godson likes the security of someone being near, we too, need to grasp hold of the security that our Father provides. He is here. He is near us.
I feels good to be loved and cherished.
- I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being (Psalm 146)
- Unto thee lift I up mine eyes (Psalm 123)
- O come let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker (Psalm 95)
Our hearts soar when baby’s come to us out of their own desire. We cherish the hugs that they give us and the smiles that let us know that they are alright. How much more so will our Father delight over us when we show Him our love and devotion. How much more will He respond to our genuine desire to be with Him.
A Burden Removed: A Biblical Path for Removing the Racism of Our Forefathers
Should a congregation repent of the sins of their forefathers?
5 years ago
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