How Much Do You Wanna Know?

I praise God for you bloggy friends! I have news.

You joined me in prayer and Wednesday, I got a call. My friend that I blogged about yesterday is doing better. He's not out of the woods yet - the heart still is not doing what it needs to do yet, but he is progressing. And, we thank God for every blessing. Keep praying my friends!

God, I thank You for the improvement that the doctors are reporting regarding my friend.

Now onto my post for today... How much do you wanna know?

I've been in meetings. So many lately that my head is beginning to hurt! But, at these meetings, important decisions are being made. The people at these meetings are essentially running the company and they want to know details about everything. Anything that can affect their bottome line, they are all over it. They have scenarios and contingencies and a whole lot of what-ifs. They want granular detail on things that aren't available so you've gotta give your best estimate. Talk about pressure. They want, they want, and they want...

And, well, you know what I'm about to type.... "it got me to thinking" about a few spiritual applications. So much so that I'm going to pose a question to you.

How much detail do you want?

I guess the answer would be found in the area of which we'd be speaking. Sure, we want as much detail as possible about our life - what might happen tomorrow or how our health will progress. Is there something that we can do today to prevent something else tomorrow. We love details about things that we cannot control. We want the inside scoop - we just want to know everything that we can if it affects us. And, I cannot place any blame or point fingers. I wanna know about the things that will impact my life too.

But let's look at the flip side of that.

How much detail do you want to know about God? Well, automatically the redeemed will tell you that they want to know everything about God. They want to be in the presence of God, sitting at His feet, learning of Him and on and on they'll tell you. But, if we watch their lives, will we see that desire expressed? Or will we see something else ... like Christians playing the lottery because they have not learned that God will supply their every need according to His riches in glory - which, by the way, is a lot more than what any lottery can even conceive... or will we see Christians everywhere else but in church when the Word of God is being taught in detailed portions so that we can learn what it means to be Christ-like and learn about the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit? You see what I mean, right?

So, ask yourself much detail do you want to know about the Triune God?

The Great Sustainer

My friend is still on life support. The doctors are keeping him in this state for a few months. I know that just a few posts ago, I mentioned this but I'm still thinking about it so I am going to share it with you. Is that alright? I hope so. You give me such support that now, I'm asking you to remember my friend in your prayers.

He is such a neat guy. He's a father of two boys, a husband of one strong woman, and he really knows his numbers! He loves details - and how! ...before his transplant, he would sit at his computer reading up on every aspect of it all day long. And, before you think that perhaps he was obsessed, just know that if it wasn't the transplant, he would be reading up on something else. He is not a greedy man. He is a simple man. Just happy to be. And, I think that's what I like most about him. He just is who he is.

So, when I saw him after his surgery, connected to all kinds of machines, with all kinds of tubes and wires and this that and the other attached to him, what could I say? Yes, he was asleep, but for such a down-to-earth man living a simple life, this was too complicated. Too many machines. Too many people all around. Too much!

It overwhelms me to think about how many surgeries he has had. It overwhelms me to think about how many people it took to roll him out of surgery and back to ICU. It was a team y'all. And, there he was in the midst, barely seen through the people and the machines. Oh, and when he got back to ICU, it took the team another hour to get him all hooked up on the ICU machines. Modern medicine astounds me. But, the Sovereign Lord of the Universe amazes me. He is awesome.

To think that with just a command, I wake, I move, I breath. I have life because He sustains it. You have life, because He sustains it. How often do we go about our day without first considering Him? Without first thanking Him? I think about my life when I was unsaved. The things I did. How I never considered Him. How I never knew Him and yet through it all - He kept me. What an awesome God I serve.

I'm not fearful for my friend. I am at peace despite the machines because I know God. I know that with a simple command from God, my friend will rise, will wake, will move, will breath. I pray that for Him now in full faith knowing that God is able. And, if it be His will for my friend, He will be restored to full health with a new heart, a new joy and an increased faith in God.

I trust God with my friend. He is the great Sustainer. I pray that you will join me in prayer for him.

Delight in Him

If the world was his oyster, my godson would have nothing more than endless time with his mom. She takes good care of him. He loves being near her…under her feet, so to speak. As a result, he has developed a need to be near whoever is his primary caretaker. He wants to snuggle up with you, play all around you … and on you, and he definitely does not want to be left anywhere by himself – we’re talking less than 8 feet here – not another room.

I can only imagine how that must make her heart feel. He’s just a baby so of course, he wants to be around you – but there is something so much more going on. It’s as if he needs to be around you. I’m not saying this is a bad thing – or good. I don’t know. It’s just an observation at this point. But it got me to thinking about my own relationship with God, the Father.

I wonder how it makes His heart feel when the one that He carefully knit together in my mother’s womb wants to snuggle with Him and be around Him. I wonder how it must make the Sovereign Lord of the Universe feel when His creation says back to Him that they don’t want to go anywhere or be anywhere without Him.

Psalm 149 says the Lord takes pleasure in His people.

I would venture to say that it feels good to be needed.
- We should praise God for the sun and moon, and stars; praise the Lord from the earth; praise the name of the Lord (Psalm 148)
- God goes before His people (Psalm 68)
- Save me…I’m weary…deliver me out of the mire, and let me not sink…(Psalm 69)

We need the Lord. He is here. He is near us. He is our security. Much like my godson likes the security of someone being near, we too, need to grasp hold of the security that our Father provides. He is here. He is near us.

I feels good to be loved and cherished.
- I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being (Psalm 146)
- Unto thee lift I up mine eyes (Psalm 123)
- O come let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker (Psalm 95)

Our hearts soar when baby’s come to us out of their own desire. We cherish the hugs that they give us and the smiles that let us know that they are alright. How much more so will our Father delight over us when we show Him our love and devotion. How much more will He respond to our genuine desire to be with Him.

The One that Keeps Me

Today is a great day!

So far, I've read my morning devotion, started the job and have experienced the greatest blessing just by recognizing how fortunate I am.

I am a Child of God. Wowzers!

God, in His love toward me, kept me throught the night. Wowzers! I have a friend who is on life support so that puts things in perspective for me. God kept me all through the night and then, He woke me up this morning.

I heard the birds chirping outside of my window. I didn't moan and say, oh no, time to do it again. Instead, I rolled over, opened my eyes and said, thank you Lord! As the song goes, "you gave me, one more sunny day..." For those that know the song, I like that part when the singer says "one more.... one more...hallelujah"

(You knew I'd like that part, I know....hey, I like repetition on some things...)

Anyway, I am just glad. I am glad to be healthy and alive and able to experience life and I know that it's all because of the One that keeps me.

He is a keeper. I hope that you will go into this weekend with your mind and hearts fixed on the knowledge that our God is a keeper.

Praise is due Him - Hallelujah!

Please God, Please

I found myself praying...please God, please.

The feeling overwhelmed me.

I read my daily devotion and the topic therein caused me to examine my heart right then and there. My knees buckled underneath me. The mattress caught and held me. Please God, please.

Please never leave me, God. Please, never forsake me. Please never let me run from You or hide from Your presence. Father, help me to always run to You as my Lord and my keeper. That's my heart desire.

I don't want anybody but You. Nothing else is important but You.

I cannot imagine my life without God in it. Where would I be?

Meditating on my smallness in view of God brought me to a wonderful place of worship. And, I pray that you too have the right perspective: We are small, He is not. He is God. We are not. Without Him, we can do nothing. With Him, all things are possible. And, when I think on just these few things, I'm back to where I started. Please God, please. Never leave me. Never forsake me. Never let me run from or hide from Your presence. For it is in You that I move and have my being.

Thank you God for loving me. Please continue to help me keep a right perspective.

This past weekend, I went to a wonderful women's conference. It was the Whole Woman Day event hosted by Providence Baptist Church. This year, Mary Kassian was the keynote and the worship leaders were Scott and Alisa Shaw.

Friday night was a bit tough. The worship leaders were tired (with good reason but that's their testimony) and the speaker was allergic to the flowers that adorned the stage. The Word of God went forth but the whole thing just made me go home and pray for Saturday. No disrespect here - please don't read anything negative into that statement. I just wanted more real worship and a stronger Word for Saturday. And, I believe that God heard my prayer because He meet my concerns.

Saturday was absolute, positively, fantastic! Mary was funny, insightful and ready with the Word. She served it up beautifully for all who would, to feast and be fed. The Shaws were rested and ready with deep worship that brought us into the presence of God.

But it was not all about the worship experience and the Word. Providence provides for training as well through the classroom setting. The classes that I took this year (you get to take 2 ) were well prepared and I got some good information from both.
I have to tell you - if you've never been to a Whole Woman Day event - you've been missing out. So, when you hear the call for the next event, please do your spirit a favor and make plans to attend. You will be richly blessed. That's a guarantee! Thank you Providence for your faithfulness in hosting Whole Woman Day and opening it up for the community. May God continue to bless your efforts to magnify His Kingdom.

Filled Up, Pouring Out

It's been a rough few days but God has been good to me. On Friday night and Saturday, I got to attend Whole Woman Day. It's an opportunity to feast on the Word of God. And boy did I get full! I needed that spiritual replenishment. Thank God that He allowed me to go. And, thank God that I got a feast because I've needed it every since then.

  • Sunday, I attended a funeral for a close co-worker's father.

  • Monday, started out good. I got a very good review on my work at my job. But lest I get too settled into my satisfaction for a job well done, glory be to God, I got a panicked phone call from a friend whose father was headed into emergency surgery.

  • Tuesday, I got a tearful phone call from a friend whose is "down on her luck" as they say.

People are hurting, what are we doing to help them? As for me, I've been about my ministering in any way that they need. I speak continuously about the Lord's power in all of their situations. God, afterall, is God. He is able.

This approach, serving them and ministering to them about the goodness of God has allowed me to come face-to-face with their vulnerabilities. It has put me closer to them. And, for that, I thank God. I also thank God for His using me as a vessel. He used my worship this weekend to fill me up for the pouring out that would be required in the coming days.

I know that I am not the only one He uses. He uses you too. Have you been on the battlefield or the altar for someone in crisis lately? If so, please share how you were able to encourage them. I know that it would bless my readers.

Also, thank you to everyone that sent me an email or text yesterday out of concern for my situation. Please continue to pray for my friends.

God Bless You!

Prayers Requested

Hey Bloggy Friends,

Today, in support of a dear family, I have been and continue to be at the hospital in the ICU and now, the Surgery waiting room.

Details later. But for now, please pray as the Lord leads you.

Oh Nooooooo!

I have a two-year-old nephew who likes to say “oooh, noooooo!” It’s so cute! He will say this all day with no variation in intensity. The child is a star in the making – for the Lord of course. His enthusiasm toward his proclamation got me to thinking more about commitment.

He commits to saying his joyful phrase all day long…like a preacher. You can call him up and he will tell you the phrase just like the day before. I don’t know how his mother feels about hearing the phrase all day long, but I think it’s a demonstration of having a one-track mind (in a good way – be ye not doubleminded!).

I believe this one-tracked mind is focused on Christ – committed to Christ – for the rest of his days – and we pray that they’ll be a plenty since he’s so young now. And I believe that God would have us be the same way. Committed to him – wholeheartedly. Not committed on one day and then loving the world the next day. How can God get any glory out of our doublemindedness? Everything we’re about should be for his glory.

So, when you think about doing the things you ought not do, think about my nephew and say “OH NOOOOO.” Quickly pray and ask the Lord to lead you in the right way. Ask Him to help you so that your flesh is defeated and your spirit takes the win.

When you want to give up, or feel things are too hard – just tell that devil “OH NOOOOO” because God has brought you too far to turn around now. Like Marvin Sapp, go on and praise Him in advance. You may not know where God is taking you but you’ve got to know that He has not brought you this far to leave you – so stop all the whining about what you can’t do and get on with the program. Praise Him and watch Him work.

Tell the devil, “OH NOOOOOOOOO” and tell the Lord “YES”, like Shekinah Glory Ministries. Go on and sing your song – and hit ‘dem notes like in the song…go on, nobody is listening but the Lord and He accepts any joyful noise made unto Him.

Have a great weekend Saints!

Best, not Better

Well, well ... I think the saying is that we live and learn right?

I've been getting to bed at a good time this week so last night, feeling rather good about my accomplishments, I threw it all away and stayed up late.

Now, I'm exhausted - mentally dull. Funny how sleep will make you feel sharper, eh?

This whole exercise has taught me a little something about commitment. I made myself a promise that I would go to sleep or at least be in the bed by a certain hour and well, I didn't do it. Shame on me! I broke a promise to myself. If I can't keep a promise to myself, what does that say about me? ARGH.

So, I will start again. And, this time... well, let me say it this way - this time when I see myself making progress and feeling good, I will endeavor to press forward and not settle for better. I will press on to best.

So it is in our Christian walk. We like to settle for better...we say, "I'm not where I'm supposed to be but thank God that I'm not where I used to be." True. But we could be further along if we stopped settling for better and pressed onward to best.

So, give it your best today, and then repeat tomorrow and the next day and the next day until your best is your standard.

Quiet Please!

I just wanted to yell "Quiet Please!!!"

But I refrained. They probably wouldn't have heard me anyway. Sitting in an open office environment has its challenges. I work best in solitude and silence. But, that's not my current office environment. Now, when I work from my home office, I work diligently ... quietly. It's just me and my thoughts. And, under the pressures of presentations and deadlines, I come through with the aid of the Lord. I just experienced this once again so I know that it's still true.

Yet, when I'm in the office, I deal with people talking on their speakerphones in cubicles, people dropping by when I'm really, really, really busy and ignoring my cues that I'm busy (I don't make eye contact, I barely speak or I say that I'm really busy, but they still stand there...). I can't be the only one facing a deadline or if I am at that moment, surely these same people have faced this before. Surely they know the social cues? Right?!!!

Well, maybe they dop and maybe they don't. I still have to treat them with courtesy and respect. So, I stop what I am doing, acknowledge them; encourage them; and then I get on with what I'm doing - attending to my deadline. Visitors aren't a bad thing - at least they were thinking about me.

But, sometimes my flesh wants to scream out! I still get aggrevated by those folks with the speakerphone conference calls. What gives!?! It's an open environment but that does not mean that I need to be apart of your conference call. It's aggrevating and distracting. So, instead of thinking about what I'm supposed to be thinking about, I get pulled into the conversation blaring on speaker. Oh, brothers and sisters, pray for me!

But, that's when I also take yet another break to pray for my speakerphone-loving-colleague. Working in an open environment will humble you, make you pray when you weren't thinking about it and drive home the whole idea of community. We are not the same but we are all still valuable in the Lord's eyes.

May I be used to shine the light for Christ in my open-office environment - and may I ever be aware of exactly what is happening in the spirit realm and use every opportunity to glorify the Lord.

Worship before Work

Monday was a great day in the Lord! And, I'm looking forward to today knowing that it will be just as great, if not greater than yesterday because I will still have the Lord on my side!

Can I tell you about my Monday? Thank you. Here's what happened. I have a hard week ahead of me - major projects are due and I've only got 5 days to do what should realistically take 5 weeks. But, I didn't panic over the weekend. I enjoyed Easter. I went to the 6am service and I went to the 10 am service. I was not going to let my work keep me from my worship. I have learned that if I will do the things that take my attention and focus it on God (like Bible Study, Worship Service etc), then He will reward me later for the time that I've spent.

As I set about my work day today, I had excellent concentration (not my normal mode). I knew it was the Lord directing me. I even got a phone call and testified about the Lord (and then got off the phone as to not lose my concentration). I got so much work done today, to God be the glory!!! I've still got alot more to go, but to get as much done as God allowed me to get done today - well, I'm just blessed! Thank you Lord!

Rejoicing Together

One of my friends is in love.
I think it's wonderful.

She's mentioned that she's in love but I really saw it Sunday. She didn't have to say a word. And, as she introduced me to the man she loves, it was really special. She was inviting me into her joy. She is my special sister in the Lord.

Here's my prayer for her:

Father God, I thank you for my sister. Even now, whereever she is and whatever she is doing, I desire for you to bless her and keep her. She has served you with patience and longsuffering. And, now God, as she turns the page to this next chapter in her life, I pray that You will continue to lead her and guide her. Give her peace in her decision making and continue Your good work in her life. I also pray Father for the one that she loves. May he forever be a man of God, good to her in every way. May he be the priest of their household should things progress to marriage. And, may he be a man that follows directly after Your own heart. Father, as their hearts do this dance, may you forever be in their midst. It is in the name of Jesus, that I submit this prayer. Amen.

Romans 12:15 says Rejoice with them that do rejoice... I rejoice with my sister today!

I know that you rejoice with her too! And, if you have any special moments or memories that you'd like to share about when you first fell in love, please feel free to share them by leaving a comment.

Permanent Reconcilation

Thanks to everyone that spoke to me about reconcilation and restoration as a result of my blog post from yesterday.

It's funny that it was on my mind, when it was on my mind, considering that it's HOLY WEEK. Christ died such that we can be reconciled to God. He is our sacrificial lamb that took our sins to the cross such that we can call on God and be reconciled to Him. That's permanent reconcilation.


Let's spend some time today thinking about the sacrificial lamb - the fact that our sins are there hanging on Calvary's Cross. And, when you have this picture in your mind, go ahead and worship the Sovereign Lord. For His ways are not our ways but our Father knows best.

God Bless You!

Dinner with a Friend

I had dinner with a friend recently. All of the hostility that used to surround us was gone. We'd foolishly let our flesh get in the way before, but prayer has a way of working things out.

We both talked about our friends and things we were up too. We've both done some introspection.

God's timing is wonderful. He arranged the whole evening. And, I thank God for the opportunity to get to see my friend again. When we are obedient, we are blessed. Sometimes when we least expect it. I'm just happy because I got a chance to be with my friend again!

Who is special in your life that you haven't seen and would like to see? Leave a comment and tell me. Maybe we can partner in prayer together that you may see that person again soon, if it be the will of God.

Tame the PDA!

I remember a time when sexuality and sexually-charged emotion was a private matter.

I miss that time.

Now, it seems that I see people displaying their affection for each other rather publicly. I'm no prude, but man! Somethings go a little too far. Let's just say it this way, if I can sense that your respective ovens are heating up, you've done too much in public.

Am I to shy away as if I never saw you about to turn a park bench into a bedroom?

Am I to alter my plans and take another route to avoid having to encounter your promiscuity?

The sad part is that most of the time, it's young people -- young, unmarried people making out in public places. Something saddens me when I see a young girl getting groped by a young guy with that look in her eyes that compromise "ain't nothing but a thang"; that look that says that she'll do anything to keep and/or please him. It makes ME wanna snatch HER and talk to her about her self worth. But, I know better than to do that. She'd probably snatch me! Some people have told me that I just need to walk away but what happens if I cannot just walk away?

What happens when I cannot take another route? Well, let me just tell you what happened on one transatlantic flight...

Excited to come home, I joyfully took my seat in economy. The plane was 3x4x3 (number of seats) for each row. Everything was looking good - I had the aisle seat, an older business man had the middle seat and then came trouble.

This young fella, unmarried, tattooed....with a scantily-clad girlfriend asked the pleasant business man to change seats with him so that he would not have to be without his girlfriend for the entire flight. The guy agreed. Everything was good until the wheels were off the ground.

The couple started making out - little by little until the girlfriend's head was near MY lap; his hands were up her shirt; tongues; breast; heavy 35K feet.

I notioned that I was uncomfortable - they didn't care. I mentioned something to the flight attendant. Nothing was done. Finally food was served. They stopped long enough to eat. Thank God.

I went to praying hard. Real hard.

The enemy flared up - they rebelled against me. But, in the end, God had the victory!

They had a fight because he started drinking. She was turned off. He drank. He got least I think so. He came back to his seat looking a little green. And, then, he went to sleep for the bulk of the remainder of the flight. When he did get up, he watched a movie. A pleasant ending to a flight that started out not so good.

I wish that people would know a few things:

  1. God has reserved sex for marriage
  2. There is an intimacy that cannot be replaced in marriage which makes love making beautiful - not some ravaged animalistic act performed for the enjoyment (or disgust) of others
  3. Teenagers cannot really know what love making is. No, they cannot. They know urges and they know sex as promoted commercially. They don't know turning to one another and enjoying the whole person. They know how to enjoy parts. Some adults are stuck on the parts and not the person, so there's much work to be done to communicate God's design for this type of union
  4. God has a way of making wrongs right - hold your peace; pray and He will take care of everything
  5. Sin will not prevail. It has an expiration date
  6. God loves you more than anyone else ever could
  7. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.

So, now, that's all I have to say on this issue. And, if you find yourself in a dating relationship, please for the sake of us that don't want to watch Cinemax while flying or walking in the park, please keep your PDA (public displays of affection) to a minimum. Tame your PDA. It is much appreciated!

From the Head to the Heart

I sat at my desk, half-awake but committed to straining my eyes to see just what doth saith the Lord this morning. Boy, was I in for a surprise!

The devotion this morning addressed what I shall like to call the heart of the matter. I got an answer from Heaven this morning. You see, I have a friend that knows alot of Scripture. This person can quote it in long form (I struggle with verbatim memorization). This person knows right from wrong. Yet, this person will, if the moment suits, pursue sin. I often asked God why? It seemed a bit of a mixed match.

The answer came this morning. And, it was not complicated.

This person has a head knowledge but not a heart knowledge. When knowledge is trapped in your head and not in your heart, then it's just like knowing that the weather is going to be a certain temperature. You may dress accordingly or you may not. It's a decision. But, when the knowledge of our Lord moves from your head to your heart - well, it's no longer a decision. It's a lifestyle.

The movement happens when we meditate on the Scripture and we absorb that knowledge into our whole being. Change happens from the inside out and before long, the old saying is true - the things I used to do, I don't do anymore.

So, I encourage us all to mediate on the Word of God and allow the movement to occur from head to heart. It makes all the difference!

Available to You

Reverend Milton Brunson was blessed to write the lyrics to a wonderful song. It's "Available to You" and it speaks of our relationship with God. This Sunday, our choir sang this song prior to the preached Word. And well, I could have gone home right after that. The song ministered to me so very much. As the Spirit of God moved across the congregation, with your spiritual eye, through your own tears, you could see people submitting to Him - forgetting about trivial things and focusing on the Lord. They were one-by-one becoming more available to the One that they'd come to worship. I too, was in the midst of those yielding to the move of God; allowing Him to have His own way with me.

There is no way to recreate that experience on Sunday. But, I can share with you the lyrics that God used to minister to a waiting congregation.

Verse 1:

You gave me my hands, to reach out to man
To show him Your love and Your perfect plan
You gave me my ears, I can hear your voice so clear.
I can hear the cries of sinners, but can I wipe away their tears.

Verse 2:
You gave me my voice, to speak Your words
To sing all Your praises, to those who never heard.
But with my eyes I see a need for more availablity.
I see hearts that have been broken, so many people to be free.


Lord, I'm available to you, my will I give to you
I 'll do what you say do, use me Lord.
To show someone the way and enable me to say.
My storage is empty and I am available to you.

Verse 3:

Now I'm giving back to you, all the tools you gave to me.
My hands, my ears, my voice, my eyes, so You can use them as You please.
I have emptied out my cup, so that You can fill it up.
Now I'm free, I just want to be more available to You.

Aaah, aaah, aaah, aaah Aaah, aaah, aaah, aaah

Use me Lord to show someone the way and enable me to say.
My storage is empty and I am available to you
My storage is empty and I am available to you, you you
My storage is empty and I am available to you

So, those are the wonderful lyrics that moved a congregation to recommit to Christ; to flood the altar; to reach out for a special touch from the Lord.

As for me, my storage is empty and I am available to God.

What a way to start Passion Week.

Thank you God!

His Love is the Greatest!

I love, love, love my godson. He is the light of my life. We spent last weekend together and it was simply wonderful! We went shopping, we went out to a restaurant and we played, played and played again.

He is nine months old and wonderful! My good buddy! I like it best when he wakes up in the middle of the night to put his own pacifier in his own mouth. Too cute!

My doting over him reminds me of how much God loves each of us. He dotes over us - caring for us and providing for our every need. Why? Because He is our Father and He cares for us. He wants to be involved in our every thing - invited along for our every step. Watching and guiding. And, when we are a bit restless, He provides us with His Word to soothe us - while still providing a place of rest and peace for our lives. God is so very good to all of us.

Go into this weekend thanking God for His great love for us. His love is the greatest!

Jesus Heard

Yesterday was very challenging for me. I got through work just fine but then I had a meeting to attend. Now, I already was dreading this meeting because the person leading the meeting does not know how to talk to others. They can be sharp and overbearing. But, I went anyway with a little prayer in my heart that perhaps I was going to be proven wrong this time.

Well, unfortunately, that was not the case. My observation of past behavior manifested itself again.

We have to learn how to talk to people. It’s fundamentally important to our witness as Christians. Ask yourself, would you be willing to talk to someone about their Savior if you just saw them verbally assault somebody else. I think not.

And what happens in one space and time has a way of creeping in at other times as well. Oh that we would guard our mouths and speak to others just like Jesus is standing right beside them – because you know what, He is.

Take a minute to think about it.

Would you fuss that person out if the Lord Himself were standing right there beside that person? Would you add that extra bit of conversation when you know that He can hear your every word? Would you take that jab or make that remark if you had to do it before your Creator?

Again, I think not. Not when you recognize Who He is and who you are.

So, take a minute and just think before you speak. I know that I am going to set a watch as well over my mouth even more so because the time is out for speaking to people just any way that we please.

Our language should lift others up and encourage them. Even in chastisement, we can and should show love one to the other.

Israel: The Power of One

I am now ready to issue my review for Israel's new album - the Power of One.

Three words: go buy it.

Three more words: do it now.

At first, I was a bit skeptical. I am used to the whole Israel and New Breed sound. I especially love the runs that they do on their CDs that take you right from one song to the other without interruption. Love that. Especially when I'm exercising.

But, this new album is different. When you listen to it, you'll see what I mean. Israel takes a new approach and incorporates a child - I'm guessing his son. (I didn't read through all of the credits to check, not yet anyway). The music is different and crosses genres. I mean tobyMac is on this CD...and so is MaryMary. Oh yeah - the packaging is different too. I miss my plastic CD cover but I understand the need to be green. Small adjustment - I can get over it.

Anyway, I'm the kind of person that if I have at least three songs on a CD that I like, then I feel like the CD purchase was worthwhile. It was worthwhile. I've been singing track 7 (Moving Forward) for two days straight. You Found Me and Just Wanna Say are great songs too. Those are my three for right now. I know that I'll move on to others but for where I am in my life, these three minister to me. Wonder which songs will minister to you?

If you don't want to take my word for it - well, my three words of "go buy it" then check out this review:; then go buy it!

The Power of One.

Change the World.

If you buy the, when you buy the CD, be sure to let me know how you like it. :-)

Thank you God for the gift that You've given to Israel.