I praise God for you bloggy friends! I have news.
You joined me in prayer and Wednesday, I got a call. My friend that I blogged about yesterday is doing better. He's not out of the woods yet - the heart still is not doing what it needs to do yet, but he is progressing. And, we thank God for every blessing. Keep praying my friends!
God, I thank You for the improvement that the doctors are reporting regarding my friend.
Now onto my post for today... How much do you wanna know?
I've been in meetings. So many lately that my head is beginning to hurt! But, at these meetings, important decisions are being made. The people at these meetings are essentially running the company and they want to know details about everything. Anything that can affect their bottome line, they are all over it. They have scenarios and contingencies and a whole lot of what-ifs. They want granular detail on things that aren't available so you've gotta give your best estimate. Talk about pressure. They want, they want, and they want...
And, well, you know what I'm about to type.... "it got me to thinking" about a few spiritual applications. So much so that I'm going to pose a question to you.
I guess the answer would be found in the area of which we'd be speaking. Sure, we want as much detail as possible about our life - what might happen tomorrow or how our health will progress. Is there something that we can do today to prevent something else tomorrow. We love details about things that we cannot control. We want the inside scoop - we just want to know everything that we can if it affects us. And, I cannot place any blame or point fingers. I wanna know about the things that will impact my life too.
How much detail do you want to know about God? Well, automatically the redeemed will tell you that they want to know everything about God. They want to be in the presence of God, sitting at His feet, learning of Him and on and on they'll tell you. But, if we watch their lives, will we see that desire expressed? Or will we see something else ... like Christians playing the lottery because they have not learned that God will supply their every need according to His riches in glory - which, by the way, is a lot more than what any lottery can even conceive... or will we see Christians everywhere else but in church when the Word of God is being taught in detailed portions so that we can learn what it means to be Christ-like and learn about the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit? You see what I mean, right?