I spoke with a friend last night. This friend had been heavy on my mind. My friend is not doing anything bad but is also not doing what I would prefer. I want my friend to grow deeper in love with the Lord.
Isn’t life like that sometimes? You’ve come through the fire and the flood and you can see the light and you want that same victory for your friends. Yep, I want that for my friend.
Through my trials, I have come to know that God is the great I AM. It’s because He IS that I am. And, daily, I thank Him for being Who He Is in my life. I know what life without God is like and I never will experience it again. A real relationship with God through His Son Jesus is where life exists.
So, if you are in the same boat as me – you know the truth – but you want one of your friends or family members to know the truth as well, would you join me in prayer for them? It’s praying time….
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