I can’t help but to think about how division causes all kinds of strife. I’ve seen division raise its ugly head more times than I care to remember. At first, I did not always recognize it, but I could feel the atmosphere in a room change. I would feel tension make itself welcome in a room. Division is tangible in its discomfort.
I am reading a book that has caused me to do some thinking about division. I’m talking about the kind of division that separates us from each other. The kind of division that causes us to pull away from each other – form party alliances and destroy each other. That’s the kind of evil division that I’m speaking of.
Saints of the most high God, we need to be better than this. We need to rise above division. We can do this. We must do this. I’ve never seen in the Scriptures where Heaven was going to have section just for this type and a section for that type. No division.
Wherever we find division, we must smash its head. I know that’s graphic, but we have to destroy it.
- Wives, don’t berate your husband. This causes division. The Bible says you are to be one.
- Husbands, love your wives. Christ is your model. Doing anything less creates the opportunity for division and the adversary will come in.
- Children, obey your parents. Don’t allow your childhood to be wasted simply because you refuse to obey. On the news, I just heard about an 11-year old who is facing murder charges. He will be separated from his parents for a long time. It’s a division that he should not be going through but because of his own choices, he will.
- Families – spend time together. Don’t let activities and work schedules divide you.
- Singles – get involved in your community or with someone that is aiming high for God. Be intentional about your own relationship with God and don’t let anything or anyone separate you from His love.
We have to tear down the walls of division wherever we find them. We have to be relentless in our execution. Divisions are the walls that box us in and keep us from being and doing what we need to be and do for the glory of God.
I prayerfully ask you to consider the divisions in your life and then ask you to ask God to give you the strength to smash the head of the serpent.
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