Why do we waste time? It seems like sometimes we just procrastinate for the sake of procrastination. Time flies by and we don’t even know what we were doing to account for the time. Yet time is steadily running out....
I’m no “doom-and-gloom” kind of girl – so don’t worry. You can keep reading. I promise not to ruin your Thursday. However, let’s give some real thought to what we do with our time.
When I travel internationally, I try to get some work done on the airplane – whether it’s work for my job or work in the ministry, I have a period of time when generally no one is talking to me, the phone certainly is not ringing and I can for the most part, concentrate on the task at hand. I try to do things that will make my life easier so that when I get to my destination, a whole lot of things are not hanging over my head. There are few things worse than the feeling of pressure that comes when you are buried under work.
Make your time count.
Make sure that whatever it is that you are doing is productive for the Kingdom of God and betters you, spiritually, emotionally, mentally and/or physically. Otherwise, why do it?
Make your time count.
In talking with a friend, time is moving right along whether we are ready for it or not. Therefore, we have to be deliberate about how we spend our time. Now, I’m not saying that we need to work, work, work. There is also a time for rest. Be deliberate in that too otherwise you will never get the rest that your body requires – and that’s not a good thing either.
In short, as we look forward to the weekend, make your time count!
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