Oh no! Bad news.
I bought a second betta fish - a girl. Oh, she was so cute just swimming around. I had to have her. I named her Rose.
I have another betta - a boy. Oh, how I love him! So, I was pleased to bring Rose home to meet my little fella. Well, right when I got Rose ready for the intro, she presented a little sickly. She wasn't moving around that much and well, I just thought I might better wait on the introduction. So I placed her container besider my boy's bowl. I told them goodnight and preceeded to go to bed.
Over the night hours however, my poor little fish, Rose, passed away. I discovered her when I went to feed them. Sad times.
I haven't decided what I'll do. Whether I will "replace" her or not. But, life is just like this at times. Sometimes we are on a high and other times, the unexpected happens and our plans are changed. Then we accept the change as best as we can, never doubting the Sovereignty of God in all things - and move forward. Please pray for me as I move forward. I was sooo very excited about sweet Rose...
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