The value of our words is rather pricey. Just think – if I tell you that you look nice on a day that you feel like you look bad, then those words will minister to you. They have value to you on that day.
Okay – perhaps a silly example. But, you understand what I mean. Words have the power to lift up or destroy. Words have power to affirm or deny.
As a child, I was always happy when someone, anyone, paid the slightest bit of positive attention towards me. That person’s words would hang with me. I needed to be affirmed and reassured of my worth. And, I believe that the Lord would send people to tell me these positive things. Some I believed – some I would not believe – but that’s another blog post. That was an internal issue that I struggled with and is no reflection on the one being used of God to bless me.
You see, words are very important – pricey if you will. So we have to spend them wisely. We have to make sure that we are communicating when we open our mouths – not just spouting out because we can. I had to learn this as well. I used to use my mouth for evil. If it seemed to me that you were out to hurt me or trying to back me in a corner, my mouth would come out swinging, er, spouting. Thank God for deliverance! Thank God for spiritual growth. Now, I know better. I know that my words have to be used for good – for communication. When I use my words for good, God gets glorified. And, now I find, that when I am submissive to Him, He allows me to use my mouth to encourage others – to communicate to them their worth in God. I get to pour forth the pricey ointment of praise on those in need.
So, today, make an effort to chose your words carefully. You have the power to help, heal or hurt all wrapped up in the power of your tongue. I hope that you will use your power to communicate for the glory of God.
I read this, along with, Did She Just Say That to Me? (and quite a few others). I am learning, all too well, the power of the tongue - from both sides. Thanks for sharing.