Have you ever just wanted to change a whole bunch of stuff around? I have. In fact, I do right now. I really want to move furniture around, clean out closets and make some significant changes to my house.
BUT, there's a problem.
I will not be able to do it on my own. So...now what?
Recruit help?
Forget the whole idea?
No....what I plan to do is do it step-by-step. One room at a time, requesting help when I need it. Most of it, by my plan, I can do on my own and my job is to make sure that I utilize all of my resources before I call out for help.
I believe that God is going to give me insight and wisdom about the proper order of how to do things and even who to call when the time comes for help. I'm believing and trusting this.
After a period of living in a place, junk and clutter comes. That's part of the territory. Now, I want to make sure that also as part of the territory that I clean out the things that I no longer need. I've got some great clothes and gadgets just hanging out in my closet that someone could wear and use. But, they will never get to wear and/or use these items if they stay stuck in my closet.
So, I'm motivated to give out of the abundance that I do have. I don't compare myself to others - I'm sure that others have more and better, but I do want to bless somebody somewhere with somethings that God has given to me. And, I will do this - one step at a time; one room at a time. And it will be completed one helper at a time - all to the glory of God. So, I'm not going to worry about what looks to be an overwhelming task situation now - I'm just going to take bite-size pieces and let God direct me. Before long, I will have a less cluttered, significantly changed for the better, place to call home. Praise ye the Lord!
iwill ltake them offyourhands
charlene keepup the good work forthe lord