Have you heard Israel and New Breed’s new single “Just Wanna Say?” Oh, if you haven’t, stop reading and pop on over to Facebook or You Tube or MySpace to hear the song. I really like it. I mean really. I downloaded it last night on i-Tunes. The album is not going to be released until March but if the album is anything like the single – well…we are all in for something good.
Last night, I used that song to give me some inspiration while I was working out. You know, the elliptical and I have a strained relationship. We don’t get along as well as we ought to mainly because I’m out of shape and getting on the elliptical quickly reminds me just how out of shape I am. Nevertheless, I am determined to build a stronger bond with said machine. It’s critical to my getting back in shape.
Well, as I was sweating away on the elliptical last night, “Just Wanna Say” started playing and I got so pumped up that I sped up my workout – a sustained higher speed too. And, because I was really feeling it, I started to rock and wave my hands. I started to thank the Lord and was really rather exuberant but then something happened…
As I was swaying to the music, raising my hands in praise gestures, and really just getting down…I must have hit the cord to my headphones because the next thing I knew, the right earpiece flung out of my ear and wrapped itself near the housing for the elliptical wheel. Ummmm – not good.
But, I did not panic – I was feeling good. I paused the music and machine, hopped off to unwrap the cord and to my dismay found out that not only had I managed to wrap the cord around the wheel housing, but I also managed to disconnect the wires from the plug. Oh sad moment! My i-pod still had the actual plug to the headphones in the jack while the wires and the listening piece where getting more intimately acquainted with the elliptical. Not the plan. The headphones will have to be replaced – but I still wouldn’t trade it for the burst of energy that I got when jammin’ on my elliptical to “Just Wanna Say.” I will persevere and will be back on said machine WITH my music sooner rather than later. It’s a guarantee! I “just wanna say” that!
Oh my goodness, I enjoyed reading this! I could just picture it all. ;-) Sorry to hear that you'll need new earplugs, but I'm with you--a small price to play for the privilege of worshiping with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength!