Who loves babies more than me? Well, okay, maybe that's not the best question considering that I'm not a brave mother of 14...ahem....
Anyway, I do love those little bundles of joy and drool. My godson was in town hanging with me all weekend and I just have to say - he has to be the most adorable child ever born. I'm not biased, I'm just stating fact. (LOL)
Isn't it funny how someone that you have to do everything for just steals your heart? And, I do mean everything - diaper changes, feedings, everything. But, for everything, he paid me back in those big ole smiles with his two little teeth in the bottom, and tons of drool. My cup runneth over!
He is my joy! And, I thank my God for Him. I pray that you had a great weekend and that you have a great week. I pray that you will reflect on the goodness of God to send us just what we need when we need it.
I needed to spend sometime with someone that needed me - that depended on me. And, sure enough, my 8 month old godson fit the bill. I love him so much and again I thank God for showing me several things this weekend through my godson.
My godson was dependent on me for everything. And, we are just like that in our relationship with God - dependent on Him for everything. Think I'm wrong? ... hold your breath. No, just kidding, but He sustains our very lives.
Won't you join me in reflecting on the things of God and thanking Him for being our everything .
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