I hate to admit this, but last night, I watched an episode of ABC’s The Bachelor. It’s down to the last 5 girls – well, now four girls before the hometown dates. And, well, let’s just say, there was lots of DNA swapping going on last night. Now, I know that these girls and the guy must be tested and are healthy but to kiss someone one right after another (it was a kissing contest) – I’m just not feeling that. I’m far too traditional – so the real question is – why isn’t everyone else. And, why didn’t I turn the television?
I’ve never been a favorite of PDA – public displays of affection, but I can tolerate it in its mildest sense between a loving, married couple. However, to be on national television, competing with other women, for the love of one guy, puts my mind back to the days of Solomon and his harem. Difference being – they were all of his wives, not competing to be the one chosen. I’m not so sure that they had a real choice – unlike these women.
Anyway…I just found watching the women, watch the other women, kiss the man that they are all beginning to love a little sickening. But, must not have been – it was aired in primetime. And, I still didn’t turn the television.
What’s really going on with the moral standard in our homes? Is there nothing sacred anymore? Is it that we are just so accustomed to reality-like television that voyeurism is not really voyeurism anymore? Is this the new acceptable norm? What do you think?
Girl, if that's the new norm, then heaven help us all. That makes me really sad.
I think that it is very sad. It gives young women the wrong impression of what life really should be like. I am happy to say that the only man I have ever kissed is my husband. Affection (especially kissing) is a gift that God gives us to show our spouses how much we love and treasure them, and it's misuse in culture today is very troubling. Thank you for sharing this very important point with us.