Do you remember when you were sent home if you were sick?
I remember. But that time has now past. Seems now that coming to work sick is expected. Fortunately, not so much for me. I have a very understanding employer. And, if I am sick, which is rare, I am allowed to stay home and recouperate - no stress.
Yet, for some, this is not a "no stress" option. Some come to work sick because they feel that they have to do so. They feel pressured to take care of the bottom line of the business before they take care of their own bottomline. But, to this, I disagree.
I believe that you risk infecting others when you come to work sick. This is not giving the best thought or best regard or even best consideration of others around you coming into the work environment sick and/or with a fever. I know of a man that did this. He came to work with the flu and a fever. He has the capability to work remotely (laptop and mobile phone) but instead, he came into the office. He risked the health of everyone that came in contact with him just so that he could be at the office. Why do we do this?
I believe that if you take a little down time when you don't feel well to give your body time to rest, then you recouperate faster. Your body has time to take care of itself without having to divide its resources to do everything else that you're trying to make it do. I see benefit in this but still others will not do this. It does not make you weak - it makes you wise.
So, I encourage us all, in this cold and flu season to spend some time thinking about others. If you feel sick, get some rest and stay away from large groups of people so that you don't risk their health too. One thing I know - life goes on. So, don't feel pressured to be at a place when you're sick. Use that energy to get well so that when you return back to work, you are indeed working at your full capacity.
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