Symptom: Double-mindedness

Have you ever wondered why it is that you do what you do? For example, you know that something is wrong, but you do it anyway? Or you condemn an act that someone else is doing but you do a variation of the same act yourself? 

What makes us behave this way? I believe it is because we have a case of double-mindedness. We need to break free from this type of behavior. We even readily admit this to be the case, but somehow we never do it. Why? How can we get rid of it? 

Seems like a pretty easy answer but if you will actually apply it, then it's not as easy as it may seem. You need to become a faithful student of the Word of God. That means, that even when your flesh wants to get up and do something else (sleep, eat, laundry...) then you must discipline yourself to godliness. Stay there - study and learn the Word of God and hide it in your heart. Once you have won the battle over your flesh and become a student of the Word, you will surely find that your mind has been made clean - washed with the water of the Word. And, the benefit - well, say goodbye to that case of double-mindedness.