Have you ever just wanted to change a whole bunch of stuff around? I have. In fact, I do right now. I really want to move furniture around, clean out closets and make some significant changes to my house.
BUT, there's a problem.
I will not be able to do it on my own. So...now what?
Recruit help?
Forget the whole idea?
No....what I plan to do is do it step-by-step. One room at a time, requesting help when I need it. Most of it, by my plan, I can do on my own and my job is to make sure that I utilize all of my resources before I call out for help.
I believe that God is going to give me insight and wisdom about the proper order of how to do things and even who to call when the time comes for help. I'm believing and trusting this.
After a period of living in a place, junk and clutter comes. That's part of the territory. Now, I want to make sure that also as part of the territory that I clean out the things that I no longer need. I've got some great clothes and gadgets just hanging out in my closet that someone could wear and use. But, they will never get to wear and/or use these items if they stay stuck in my closet.
So, I'm motivated to give out of the abundance that I do have. I don't compare myself to others - I'm sure that others have more and better, but I do want to bless somebody somewhere with somethings that God has given to me. And, I will do this - one step at a time; one room at a time. And it will be completed one helper at a time - all to the glory of God. So, I'm not going to worry about what looks to be an overwhelming task situation now - I'm just going to take bite-size pieces and let God direct me. Before long, I will have a less cluttered, significantly changed for the better, place to call home. Praise ye the Lord!
The value of our words is rather pricey. Just think – if I tell you that you look nice on a day that you feel like you look bad, then those words will minister to you. They have value to you on that day.
Okay – perhaps a silly example. But, you understand what I mean. Words have the power to lift up or destroy. Words have power to affirm or deny.
As a child, I was always happy when someone, anyone, paid the slightest bit of positive attention towards me. That person’s words would hang with me. I needed to be affirmed and reassured of my worth. And, I believe that the Lord would send people to tell me these positive things. Some I believed – some I would not believe – but that’s another blog post. That was an internal issue that I struggled with and is no reflection on the one being used of God to bless me.
You see, words are very important – pricey if you will. So we have to spend them wisely. We have to make sure that we are communicating when we open our mouths – not just spouting out because we can. I had to learn this as well. I used to use my mouth for evil. If it seemed to me that you were out to hurt me or trying to back me in a corner, my mouth would come out swinging, er, spouting. Thank God for deliverance! Thank God for spiritual growth. Now, I know better. I know that my words have to be used for good – for communication. When I use my words for good, God gets glorified. And, now I find, that when I am submissive to Him, He allows me to use my mouth to encourage others – to communicate to them their worth in God. I get to pour forth the pricey ointment of praise on those in need.
So, today, make an effort to chose your words carefully. You have the power to help, heal or hurt all wrapped up in the power of your tongue. I hope that you will use your power to communicate for the glory of God.
Do you remember when you were sent home if you were sick?
I remember. But that time has now past. Seems now that coming to work sick is expected. Fortunately, not so much for me. I have a very understanding employer. And, if I am sick, which is rare, I am allowed to stay home and recouperate - no stress.
Yet, for some, this is not a "no stress" option. Some come to work sick because they feel that they have to do so. They feel pressured to take care of the bottom line of the business before they take care of their own bottomline. But, to this, I disagree.
I believe that you risk infecting others when you come to work sick. This is not giving the best thought or best regard or even best consideration of others around you coming into the work environment sick and/or with a fever. I know of a man that did this. He came to work with the flu and a fever. He has the capability to work remotely (laptop and mobile phone) but instead, he came into the office. He risked the health of everyone that came in contact with him just so that he could be at the office. Why do we do this?
I believe that if you take a little down time when you don't feel well to give your body time to rest, then you recouperate faster. Your body has time to take care of itself without having to divide its resources to do everything else that you're trying to make it do. I see benefit in this but still others will not do this. It does not make you weak - it makes you wise.
So, I encourage us all, in this cold and flu season to spend some time thinking about others. If you feel sick, get some rest and stay away from large groups of people so that you don't risk their health too. One thing I know - life goes on. So, don't feel pressured to be at a place when you're sick. Use that energy to get well so that when you return back to work, you are indeed working at your full capacity.
I can’t help but to think about how division causes all kinds of strife. I’ve seen division raise its ugly head more times than I care to remember. At first, I did not always recognize it, but I could feel the atmosphere in a room change. I would feel tension make itself welcome in a room. Division is tangible in its discomfort.
I am reading a book that has caused me to do some thinking about division. I’m talking about the kind of division that separates us from each other. The kind of division that causes us to pull away from each other – form party alliances and destroy each other. That’s the kind of evil division that I’m speaking of.
Saints of the most high God, we need to be better than this. We need to rise above division. We can do this. We must do this. I’ve never seen in the Scriptures where Heaven was going to have section just for this type and a section for that type. No division.
Wherever we find division, we must smash its head. I know that’s graphic, but we have to destroy it.
- Wives, don’t berate your husband. This causes division. The Bible says you are to be one.
- Husbands, love your wives. Christ is your model. Doing anything less creates the opportunity for division and the adversary will come in.
- Children, obey your parents. Don’t allow your childhood to be wasted simply because you refuse to obey. On the news, I just heard about an 11-year old who is facing murder charges. He will be separated from his parents for a long time. It’s a division that he should not be going through but because of his own choices, he will.
- Families – spend time together. Don’t let activities and work schedules divide you.
- Singles – get involved in your community or with someone that is aiming high for God. Be intentional about your own relationship with God and don’t let anything or anyone separate you from His love.
We have to tear down the walls of division wherever we find them. We have to be relentless in our execution. Divisions are the walls that box us in and keep us from being and doing what we need to be and do for the glory of God.
I prayerfully ask you to consider the divisions in your life and then ask you to ask God to give you the strength to smash the head of the serpent.
Who loves babies more than me? Well, okay, maybe that's not the best question considering that I'm not a brave mother of 14...ahem....
Anyway, I do love those little bundles of joy and drool. My godson was in town hanging with me all weekend and I just have to say - he has to be the most adorable child ever born. I'm not biased, I'm just stating fact. (LOL)
Isn't it funny how someone that you have to do everything for just steals your heart? And, I do mean everything - diaper changes, feedings, everything. But, for everything, he paid me back in those big ole smiles with his two little teeth in the bottom, and tons of drool. My cup runneth over!
He is my joy! And, I thank my God for Him. I pray that you had a great weekend and that you have a great week. I pray that you will reflect on the goodness of God to send us just what we need when we need it.
I needed to spend sometime with someone that needed me - that depended on me. And, sure enough, my 8 month old godson fit the bill. I love him so much and again I thank God for showing me several things this weekend through my godson.
My godson was dependent on me for everything. And, we are just like that in our relationship with God - dependent on Him for everything. Think I'm wrong? ... hold your breath. No, just kidding, but He sustains our very lives.
Won't you join me in reflecting on the things of God and thanking Him for being our everything .
Have you ever wondered why it is that you do what you do? For example, you know that something is wrong, but you do it anyway? Or you condemn an act that someone else is doing but you do a variation of the same act yourself?
So, I'm still jammin' Israel's "Just Wanna Say" ... come on March! The whole CD will be available then. This is my new "happy" song. Enjoy this video I picked up from You Tube - A Little Fuzzy but you can still hear the lyrics which are soooo good!
Hi Bloggy Friends,
Thanks for stopping by. For those of you that do not know, I have a Facebook account. (Thanks Kristie!) And, because of said account, I can keep up pretty well with the lives of my friends. In fact, now I have my blog posts from blogger fed into my Facebook account.
As I was checking Facebook on Sunday, I came across some terrible news. One of my classmates from High School passed away in a car accident on Saturday. I don't have any details yet, but it has got me to thinking about life - how short it can be for some; how long it can be for others.
At my church, we just celebrated the 100th birthday of one of our members. Today, I mourn the loss of a friend, who was in her early thirties. I most remember her smile that could warm a room.
Let this be a reminder to us all to live each day to the fullest; to show compassion one to the other; to live for Christ such that He is seen in our lives. We never know when it will be our time.
Please pray for the family and friends of Tara T Robertson.
Oh no! Bad news.
I bought a second betta fish - a girl. Oh, she was so cute just swimming around. I had to have her. I named her Rose.
I have another betta - a boy. Oh, how I love him! So, I was pleased to bring Rose home to meet my little fella. Well, right when I got Rose ready for the intro, she presented a little sickly. She wasn't moving around that much and well, I just thought I might better wait on the introduction. So I placed her container besider my boy's bowl. I told them goodnight and preceeded to go to bed.
Over the night hours however, my poor little fish, Rose, passed away. I discovered her when I went to feed them. Sad times.
I haven't decided what I'll do. Whether I will "replace" her or not. But, life is just like this at times. Sometimes we are on a high and other times, the unexpected happens and our plans are changed. Then we accept the change as best as we can, never doubting the Sovereignty of God in all things - and move forward. Please pray for me as I move forward. I was sooo very excited about sweet Rose...
It was the tobacco road showdown! Students camped out since January for the big game. Some of my co-workers were anxious to leave work to get home in plenty enough time to do their game night preparations. Then it happens ... The game gets on the way and it's fantastic. The crowd - Cameron Crazies - go wild. The score and lead changing. The second half - very exciting - but those blue devils just couldn't pull it out. They played a good game but the Tarheels came away with the win.
While I was watching parts of the game, something dawned on me. When was the last time that I gave God that kind of radical uninhibited praise? I know the answer - do you?
For too many of us, praise that exalts God is not necessary while praise that exalts and encourages a game of any sort - well, that's acceptable. Why? The players or the game itself does not have a Heaven or Hell that they/it can put you in. Why are true praisers looked at with curiousity while yelling our heads off at an athletic event is deemed appropriate.
No matter your stance - It's a little something to think about.
I spoke with a friend last night. This friend had been heavy on my mind. My friend is not doing anything bad but is also not doing what I would prefer. I want my friend to grow deeper in love with the Lord.
Isn’t life like that sometimes? You’ve come through the fire and the flood and you can see the light and you want that same victory for your friends. Yep, I want that for my friend.
Through my trials, I have come to know that God is the great I AM. It’s because He IS that I am. And, daily, I thank Him for being Who He Is in my life. I know what life without God is like and I never will experience it again. A real relationship with God through His Son Jesus is where life exists.
So, if you are in the same boat as me – you know the truth – but you want one of your friends or family members to know the truth as well, would you join me in prayer for them? It’s praying time….
Have you heard Israel and New Breed’s new single “Just Wanna Say?” Oh, if you haven’t, stop reading and pop on over to Facebook or You Tube or MySpace to hear the song. I really like it. I mean really. I downloaded it last night on i-Tunes. The album is not going to be released until March but if the album is anything like the single – well…we are all in for something good.
Last night, I used that song to give me some inspiration while I was working out. You know, the elliptical and I have a strained relationship. We don’t get along as well as we ought to mainly because I’m out of shape and getting on the elliptical quickly reminds me just how out of shape I am. Nevertheless, I am determined to build a stronger bond with said machine. It’s critical to my getting back in shape.
Well, as I was sweating away on the elliptical last night, “Just Wanna Say” started playing and I got so pumped up that I sped up my workout – a sustained higher speed too. And, because I was really feeling it, I started to rock and wave my hands. I started to thank the Lord and was really rather exuberant but then something happened…
As I was swaying to the music, raising my hands in praise gestures, and really just getting down…I must have hit the cord to my headphones because the next thing I knew, the right earpiece flung out of my ear and wrapped itself near the housing for the elliptical wheel. Ummmm – not good.
But, I did not panic – I was feeling good. I paused the music and machine, hopped off to unwrap the cord and to my dismay found out that not only had I managed to wrap the cord around the wheel housing, but I also managed to disconnect the wires from the plug. Oh sad moment! My i-pod still had the actual plug to the headphones in the jack while the wires and the listening piece where getting more intimately acquainted with the elliptical. Not the plan. The headphones will have to be replaced – but I still wouldn’t trade it for the burst of energy that I got when jammin’ on my elliptical to “Just Wanna Say.” I will persevere and will be back on said machine WITH my music sooner rather than later. It’s a guarantee! I “just wanna say” that!
So…here I go again. I’ve got that “Great Things” song stuck in my head again (Kurt Carr). I’m excited for a few reasons. Wanna hear about ‘em – here we go:
- I woke up this morning, and because I have so much that I want to accomplish today, waking up is a “great thing.”
- I have a reasonable portion of good health today – yep, some things are a little out of sorts, but I’m not limited by them all that much, so to me, that’s a “great thing.”
- I am able to see love blooming for one of my friends that truly deserves it. I’m so excited, and for me, that’s a “great thing.”
- I am fortunate enough to attend a church where the Word of God is taught with expectancy and enthusiasm and for me, someone that needs you to be committed to what you’re teaching – that’s a “great thing.”
- I am employed by a pretty great company, and in these turbulent economic times, indeed that is a “great thing.”
- I have a Father in Heaven that takes care of my everything – and well, that’s a “great thing.”
- I am not hungry – that’s a “great thing.” Particularly since I am trying to drop some pounds.
- I am grateful for everything – this morning, my heart leaps inside my chest with gratitude for what Jesus did for me …”great thing.”
- I am happy that I have some followers and readers of this blog … “great thing.”
- I am blessed that although I have challenging circumstances, God still sends others around me that shower me with tangible love and encouragement…”great thing.”
I could go on – but I won’t. You should make your own list. What “great things” has He done for you?
Rodney King once said, “Can’t we all just get along?” I am shocked at the behavior that I’ve seen over the past few hours from a certain reportedly 71-year-old singer.
It seems that this 71-year-old singer is more than a little miffed at a much younger singer (age not reported but must be in late twenties...maybe 27) for singing “her” song to a new first couple who will be running the nation. Really?
This 71-year-old singer was not the first to record said song – but her version of it really is the most popular – well, it was until a certain younger singer sang it. MSNBC states plainly that the track was first performed by Glenn Miller and his orchestra in 1941 and later by Nat King Cole in 1957. Said upset singer debuted her version in 1961.
I cannot believe the language and attitude that sprang forth from said 71-year-old --- profanity and all. What a way to leave a lasting impression. What happened to wisdom coming with age? Would it have not been better to privately address any issues than to vent in front of an audience - some with itching ears?
I am happy that the feud is one-sided. The younger singer is keeping her mouth shut – as she should. She is turning the other cheek. I’m no big fan of the younger singer, but at least she is not pouring fuel on the flames - at least not right now.
There are some biblical lessons we can observe even in the midst of this one-sided secular showdown:
- Turn the other cheek when somebody attacks you. It’s the best way to water down the fire of the moment.
- Allow your light to show shine for Christ when bad things are said about you – you don’t have to get into the fray by trying to defend yourself. Let God fight your battles.
- Respect your elders. Nuff said.
- Resist jealousy or the appearance thereof. Thank God that He is still in the gifting business. He has blessed the young singer with a beautiful voice that hopefully – prayerfully – will one day be used to glorify God. I'm keeping hope alive.
- Watch the words that proceed out of your mouth. They show off what is really in your heart.
- Pray for each other – all the time – in all situations, good and bad.
Those are just a few that sprang to my mind – what about you? What biblical lessons do you see?
Why do we waste time? It seems like sometimes we just procrastinate for the sake of procrastination. Time flies by and we don’t even know what we were doing to account for the time. Yet time is steadily running out....
I’m no “doom-and-gloom” kind of girl – so don’t worry. You can keep reading. I promise not to ruin your Thursday. However, let’s give some real thought to what we do with our time.
When I travel internationally, I try to get some work done on the airplane – whether it’s work for my job or work in the ministry, I have a period of time when generally no one is talking to me, the phone certainly is not ringing and I can for the most part, concentrate on the task at hand. I try to do things that will make my life easier so that when I get to my destination, a whole lot of things are not hanging over my head. There are few things worse than the feeling of pressure that comes when you are buried under work.
Make your time count.
Make sure that whatever it is that you are doing is productive for the Kingdom of God and betters you, spiritually, emotionally, mentally and/or physically. Otherwise, why do it?
Make your time count.
In talking with a friend, time is moving right along whether we are ready for it or not. Therefore, we have to be deliberate about how we spend our time. Now, I’m not saying that we need to work, work, work. There is also a time for rest. Be deliberate in that too otherwise you will never get the rest that your body requires – and that’s not a good thing either.
In short, as we look forward to the weekend, make your time count!
Bloggy Friends! I am so glad to hear that the "new norm" is troubling to others too! Thanks guys!
So, now I'm coming back with another question. What about our language? Does it matter what we say?
Well, of course, I would say yes and can back it up with Scripture. Soooo many times in the Bible, the mouth and our words are areas for improvement. We are warned that our mouths/tongue can be used for good or evil. We are encouraged to watch what we say to others because our words can cut deep. We are encouraged to keep a watch over our mouths.
So, let's make a commitment to use our mouths to glorify God. Afterall, that's what we were created to do. He is so very good to us. So, let's practice with our mouths, language and talk that Heaven would endorse.
Let's use our mouths for good - not evil:
Psalm 37:30 - The mouth of the righteous utters wisdom, and his tongue speaks justice.
Psalm 39:1 I said, “I will guard my ways, that I may not sin with my tongue; I will guard my mouth with a muzzle, so long as the wicked are in my presence.”
Psalm 71:15 My mouth will tell of your righteous acts, of your deeds of salvation all the day...
FYI - These verses are from the ESV (English Standard Version) Bible.
Have a great rest of your day!
God Bless!
I hate to admit this, but last night, I watched an episode of ABC’s The Bachelor. It’s down to the last 5 girls – well, now four girls before the hometown dates. And, well, let’s just say, there was lots of DNA swapping going on last night. Now, I know that these girls and the guy must be tested and are healthy but to kiss someone one right after another (it was a kissing contest) – I’m just not feeling that. I’m far too traditional – so the real question is – why isn’t everyone else. And, why didn’t I turn the television?
I’ve never been a favorite of PDA – public displays of affection, but I can tolerate it in its mildest sense between a loving, married couple. However, to be on national television, competing with other women, for the love of one guy, puts my mind back to the days of Solomon and his harem. Difference being – they were all of his wives, not competing to be the one chosen. I’m not so sure that they had a real choice – unlike these women.
Anyway…I just found watching the women, watch the other women, kiss the man that they are all beginning to love a little sickening. But, must not have been – it was aired in primetime. And, I still didn’t turn the television.
What’s really going on with the moral standard in our homes? Is there nothing sacred anymore? Is it that we are just so accustomed to reality-like television that voyeurism is not really voyeurism anymore? Is this the new acceptable norm? What do you think?
Oh wow! I went to a gospel quartet reunion last night. Mainly, I went to support my Pastor since he mentioned it a few times over the past two weeks, but I really had a good time. At first, as the two very chatty MCs went down memory lane, I felt like maybe I should have invited my paternal Grandfather because I really didn’t know what they were talking about. But it reminded me of being with my maternal Grandfather who would always bring some memory out, dust it off and recount it detail by detail to his friends. Oh…the memories.
Anyway, these legends in their own right got up to sing, group by group. One now blind but still singing his heart out, others heavier than they were years before, some sing but still singing. They are a model in perseverance.
They have persevered in their faith, even as times got hard – according to the stories recounted last night. And, they have persevered in their gift. They sing to the glory of God – no other reason.
I wonder if the same will be said of us when we are in our golden years – have we persevered in our faith – have we relentlessly pursued and perfected our gift to the glory of God?