I'm Grateful

One of my friends chastised me yesterday.

He let me know that I had become unfaithful in posting my blogs over the past few weeks. And, I readily offered an excuse. I told him of my activities and my sickness, but he had very little mercy for me. And, even though my plate has been considerably full, I still should have been posting some encouragement. If you feel like my friend, then please let me apologize to you today. I will do better. You can count on that.

I am feeling much better now. And the Lord has been blessing me. The Spiritual Disciplines class that I teach is off to a grand start. We just started our third cycle and I stand in awe at the students that the Lord has appointed to this class at this time.

And, I am grateful to God as well.

For on Sunday, I had my first opportunity to preach the morning service, in my pastor's absence. It was a great honor and priviledge to stand in his stead. It was also a great priviledge to be able to prepare and give out the message that God sent for the people at that time and at that hour of their lives. I really cannot express in words all of the ways that I felt but it's good to be used of the Lord for His service.

I'm in more awe of the Lord now than perhaps ever before. He has allowed us to see a modern day miracle unfolding right in front of our eyes when last week, He gently brought that Airbus A320 down into the Hudson with all passengers and crew accounted for - alive and well.

And, now, on this MLKJr day - we are just one day away from watching the first black president of these United States take office. So much going on! God is on the move!

And, I - well, I'm so grateful.