I've been thinking about Hurry Sickness lately. It's a term that I got from John Ortberg in his book, "The Life You've Always Wanted: Spiritual Disciplines for Ordinary People." It's a good book - I recommend it.
Our society glorifies those that can really multi-task. We uplift those who can do everything - fitting so much into one day, just to survive with a completely checked off task list to do it again the very next day. These are the movers and shakers. They get things done and we can't get enough of them.
But what price do they pay? Can I be personal - what price have I paid?
I was a multi-tasking machine. It made me feel good to look at a full calendar and to think about the many things that I had on my plate. It pleased my flesh when I could rattle off the multi-things and multiple people that I had to deal with and encounter in a day. But, I've paid a price for pleasing my flesh.
I've been sick and didn't know it. I've been hurry sick.
But, thanks be to God, that while I was sick, I had some time to really consider the error of my ways. I came up with a saying that stuck with me, it made me relax and turn off my computer. I asked myself what would be different if I were to die. If I died, would the company that I give so much to remember me long term? Would they name anything after me? Probably not. Sure, they would do something nice for my funeral, but after it was all said and done, as generous a company as it is, they would hire someone else to do my job. The company has a business to run. And, I realized that I have a life to live.
What matters is not what people say about us or what we can say that we did. What matters most is what we are doing for the Kingdom of God. So, if you are suffering from hurry-sickness- always rushing around even when there is nothing to do; picking the shortest line so you don't have to wait while also keeping your eye on that other line looking at the person that would have been you; setting up mock races to see who can do something faster; driving, listening to the radio, eating and talking to someone all at the same time - please take a moment to consider your state - then RELAX ... SLOW DOWN ... and LIVE.
A Burden Removed: A Biblical Path for Removing the Racism of Our Forefathers
Should a congregation repent of the sins of their forefathers?
5 years ago
Been there as well, I am so blessed to have discovered stillness, precious moments spent with the Lord. *smiles*
Aloha Lorie