Find and Use Your Gifts

My uncle Joe was a great musician. His instrument of choice – the organ. He knew how to really make that organ sing! Lately, I’ve been thinking of him. He died so long ago – I don’t know why this is on my mind now. He sang and played with gospel choirs and musicians all over the region where he lived. On one occasion, he wrote and composed a song especially for my mother’s wedding. The song was entitled I belong to your heart. I cannot remember the exact moment the song was played during the wedding – I was too little. In fact, right now, I cannot remember all the lyrics either – bummer… But I do remember the melody.

It was a beautiful song. When he sang it, he gave it his all. He was committed to it. He used his God-given gift to bless those that would listen.

I think today that we should be a little more like Uncle Joe. By that I mean that we should be committed to the gift(s) that we have. God has given each of us a gift. If you don’t know what your gift is, you can easily find out by taking a Spiritual Gifts Inventory, available through your local church or online. (Just google Spiritual Gifts Inventory). There are plenty of free ones to take too – so don’t spend money when you don’t have to. But, my point is this, knowing that you are gifted in some way means that you should use that God-given gift to glorify the One that gave it to you.

Some of us are gifted but refuse to enact the gift based on fear. God says “fear not, for I am with you” Isaiah 41:10

Some of us are gifted but refuse to act on it because we don’t have the time. Well, all time belongs to God – when you step out in faith to begin using your gifts for His glory, you will be amazed at how your time multiplies.

Some of us are gifted but refuse to press forward in it because we’ve failed in the past. No one is perfect. Mistakes are common to all. So, enable within yourself a little something call perseverance. You can do all things through Christ Who strengthens you. Philippians 4:13

Find you gift (if you haven’t) and then use your gift to the glory of God. You’ll never know how many lives you’ll impact while you’re living and even after you’re gone.