Can we talk about the “D” word? – DISCIPLINE.
Good, I was hoping that you would say that. We as a people stand in need of discipline. As Christians, our need is even more urgent. Why? We must deal with our flesh. We must learn to control it such that we can be of greater use for the Kingdom of God.
Our flesh is demanding. This skin that we are in wants to do things its own way. It is insistent and stubborn. It is demanding and unrelenting. Yes, I’m still talking about our flesh.
Undisciplined flesh never leads to anything good for the Kingdom of God. Sure, it may lead you to purchase French fries in the middle of your fast or lead you to get some ice cream while you are on your diet. Those things taste good but they inhibit the work that you were trying to accomplish. Our flesh wants what it wants. Period. End of story. But, our spirit-man wants to be obedient to God. Who do you listen to? Flesh or spirit?
If you cannot say that you listen to your spirit over your flesh, then these next series of posts are for you.
Take some time now and write out areas where you struggle with your flesh. Then, take that full list to God in prayer. Then, join me back here tomorrow as we begin to tackle the “D” word and our flesh.
***UPDATE*** - Also, note that you can read more on the disciplines at this post by Pastor Thabiti Anyabwile on the Pure Church blog, found here.
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