Picturesque Appreciation

I realized after my post on my new appreciation of wood, that I had not taken that many pictures. Unfortunately, I realized this while watching my images download to my computer now that I'm back in the USA. I guess, you will just have to take my word for it. :)
I did take some pictures that I hope that you will enjoy!

Look at the architecture of this building. Nice huh?

This bed was on the second floor is my room. It had an adjoining wood deck off to the right (behind the curtains in the far right corner).

I thought once or twice about having a meal here but decided against it. The wooden chairs were beautiful as you can see - such craftsmanship went into everything you see here.

And finally, this was the view from the deck on my first floor in my room. Beautiful, eh? I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them!