Christians are to be Christ-like. If you have read anything about Christ, you will automatically know that we have our work cut out for us. He was perfect in every way, and never sinned. We are far from perfect and sin is second-nature. But, we have hope. We have help. It’s going to take us the rest of our time on Earth to mature into Christ-likeness, but it is a worthy effort. As Christians, we want to be like Him.
Even as it will take us some time, we do not give up and neither do we give in. We must press in and hang in there knowing that the results are worth the effort.
Even as it will take us some time, we do not give up and neither do we give in. We must press in and hang in there knowing that the results are worth the effort.
Because our struggle is daily, we must read and study daily.
And, when you find a time that works, keep that time. It is easy to make excuses for why we do not read and study our Bible every day. But, the simple fact of the matter is that we need to be about Kingdom Business – and that involves reading and studying our Bible every day. Some of the things we get ourselves tangled in can easily be cut out if we would just read and study our Bible every day.
And while you do this, watch your attitude. It’s not drudgery; it is soul-fulfillment and a way to honor our Lord. And, that alone should make you very happy. You can do all kinds of studies and even invite friends to study along with you. You can do character studies, studies on geography (past and present landmarks), studies on keywords etc. The options are endless. But, the message is still the same – get in your Bible and stay in your Bible.
Love that-Find the time! :)
It is all about priority.
Much love,