I personally needed a reminder of the goodness of God. I needed a fresh touch. And now, I have it. I give God praise for sending His servant our way. I praise and I worship God but I also have to do some self examination.
As a result of such examination, I saw some things. Lately, I’ve wanted to give up on a few things. I have frequently used the phrase, “I’m sooooo tired of xyz.”
Have you? Or am I standing by myself?
Well, if you have recently uttered that phrase, let me just tell you, there is hope on the other side of tiredness! This woman battled with this issue of blood for 12 years. That meant that for 12 years, she did not know the touch of another human being – no embrace – no nothing for she was considered unclean. For 12 years, she endured the practice of these medical doctors trying to figure out her malady – for 12 long years she got no conclusive answer – no healing – no nothing.
I’m sure she was tired, but she kept pressing. She kept going. Rejection after rejection – let down after let down – disappointment abounding – she did not give up.
So, when Jesus showed up, she pressed her way through the crowd. Can you see her – she didn’t run up on him – how could she for the press of the crowd – but just think about it ladies – think about how tired you must feel after 12 long years of dealing with this issue of blood. In my mind, she is weak but she still presses on – placing her full faith and hope in Jesus.
And when she touched the helm of His garment, she was made whole – restored health. It’s a blessing. She received her blessing because she kept pressing!
Therefore, we don’t give up when things get tough. As Christians, we need to gird up and stand strong and wait for God’s deliverance in our situation. He is faithful to us and will provide all that we need.
We don’t need to try to figure it out for ourselves or endure with the ponderings of others that do not serve the Lord. We instead need to just turn our cares over to Him. He cares for us and will help us.
There is a blessing in pressing your way towards the Lord.
Don’t have time for quiet time – press anyway. Make the time.
Don’t have time for corporate worship – press anyway. There is a blessing in worship.
Friends, there is a blessing in pressing your way towards the Lord!!!