Part of trusting the Lord is waiting on Him to remedy the ills in your life. He is the only One that can fix the things that trouble us. When we come to that point of realization – once we are ready to take our hands off of the situation and once we are ready to stop calling everybody to get them to weigh in on what we should do, we are left with our own resolve. What can we do while we wait?
The best thing to do while we wait is to wait. Seems simple enough. Our society always has us doing something or going somewhere. We like to be busy. But, God does not need us getting into His business. If He has told us that He will do something on our behalf, then we just need to wait and it will come to pass.
Sometimes we like to look at our watches and calendars while we are waiting. This will only serve to aggravate you. Don’t spend your time doing this.
Other times we like to analyze the situation in our mind and inevitably find fault with something that we did. We like to blame ourselves. Well, if you did something that you haven’t repented for – quickly repent of the thing and then leave it alone. Don’t spend your time dwelling on what you cannot change. Give it to God and move on. Scripture tells us to cast all of our anxiety on Him because He cares for us. (1Peter 5:6-7)
So, what can we do? There must be something. Yes, we can occupy ourselves with learning about Him. We can study our Bibles. The only way to be like Him is to know Who He is.
While we wait, we can pray about everything that concerns us. Phil. 4:6-7
While we wait, we can seek the Lord – Isaiah 55:6
While we wait, we can praise the Lord – Psalm 66:17-20
Do you see my point here? While we wait, we can occupy ourselves with the things that please Him. We need to entertain and educate ourselves with the things of God, leaving our hope and trust completely with Him – not in ourselves.
Very good post! Wait in the wait. I am so glad God is in control! That gives me great peace.
Much love,