I was on my way to the weekend – finishing up my last project for work this week, transitioning into mental relaxation mode – when I was struck with a revelation regarding convenience and comfort. Now, don’t get your feathers all in a ruffle – I like convenience and comfort too. I am a big user of convenience items. But, even then, I am struck with the effect that my use of these quick serve items has on the environment. I love to be comfortable, particularly in my pajamas on a rainy afternoon. Yet, this visual combination on convenience and comfort is hanging in front of my eyes like a carrot leading a horse – but where am I being led?
In Bible Study a few weeks back, we reviewed the simple fact that there is no escaping God’s judgment and therefore we ought to live our lives in ways that honor Him. But, what happens when we don’t honor Him? What happens when honoring God is not at the forefront of our minds? What happens when all we can think about is that bit of convenience and comfort that we have so longed for? Now, an occasional retreat is not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the desire that lingers and lingers and results in activities that produce lackadaisical attitudes toward God and His instructions for our lives.
When this lackadaisical attitude toward God goes unchecked, we see the desire for convenience creeping up in places where it should not. We see it in our worship service… Some people only want to be comfortable. They want to go in, get a Word from Heaven and leave, as quickly as possible. They do not want the preacher to tarry and neither do they want to hear a Word that may leave them uncomfortable in their current spiritual state. They sometimes do not want to talk about sin and neither do they want to talk about loving others like Jesus loves the church. Sometimes, they just want to do what they want to do – and sometimes they just want to say what they want to say. However, God has not called us to be this way. A real religion will not always be convenient nor leave you comfortable. Instead, it will challenge you to grow more and learn more. When we are learning and being taught, we are being stretched and molded into new creatures. So, with that, of course, some discomfort is going to occur – some inconvenience will be had.
I think to myself, was the Apostle Paul comfortable? What about Abraham? What about the disciples? Where things for them convenient? I submit a “NO!” in reply. When I think of them, I don’t think of comfort or convenience. I think of their efforts to honor God.
So, what shall we say to these things? Everyday we have a choice and everyday is an effort. Enjoy your weekend!
A Burden Removed: A Biblical Path for Removing the Racism of Our Forefathers
Should a congregation repent of the sins of their forefathers?
5 years ago
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