The theme for our church this year centers on witnessing and evangelism. We were instructed that in every thing that we do for the Lord, we should have this as our mandate this year. I am always happy to know what the Lord has laid on my pastor's heart for each year that shapes our direction. And, I was just as happy when witnessing and evangelism came to the forefront this year. Of course, every year, and in fact, every day, witnessing and evangelism should be our goal, but to have a special focus on it excites me.
I hope that it excites you too. In this climate that we live in, knowing the Word of God is no longer one of those nice little luxuries. It is critical for survival. We must be students of the Word and must also know how to put it into practice in our every day lives.
The networks are pushing out so many "reality" television shows. And, through this, we are exposed to all types of carnal mindsets and activities. However, as Christians living for God in this age, we have a responsibility. We can no longer take cover underneath the excuse that we did not know. Sin is blatantly displayed nearly everywhere we dare to look - especially on television.
We have to be about witnessing and evangelism every single day. We have to let our light so shine to this world. The time is now. If I think about Oprah's Megachurch - the time is now. If I think about the deceptive practices being displayed in our political arena - the time is now. If I think about the social ills of our nation - the time is now. If I think - the time is now. Will you think? Will you act? The time is now.
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