Trusting in the Lord requires submission of our heart, mind, body and soul. We have to submit these areas to the Lord. This is what I preached about on Saturday. I wanted to share with you a little of what the Lord shared with me.
Our heart condition matters deeply to the Lord. For it is out of the heart that our mouth speaks. Whatever is in our heart comes out of our mouth. Can I share with you some examples?
What happens when you get cut off in traffic? What comes out of your mouth? It’s an indication of what is in your heart.
What happens when your cashier or waiter is rude to you? Or what about whenever it takes someone some extra time to bring something that you ordered to you? What comes out of your mouth? It’s an indication of what is in your heart.
What happens when you are left doing all of the work or working more than your fare share on a team project? What comes out of your mouth – even if you say nothing at work, what happens when you tell the experience to a friend or a spouse? It’s an indication of what is in your heart.
What happens when you are blatantly overlooked for a promotion that is rightfully yours? What comes out of your mouth? It’s an indication of what is in your heart.
Our heart condition is most evident in the little things that we do – the small responses. And it is when we find ourselves and our reactions in these small moments that we are able to see what condition our heart is really in.
Once we take notice of what is really in our heart, then we have to trust God to change us. Will you examine your heart today – and when you do, please go to the Lord in prayer and ask Him to change you so that you become more and more like Him.
Be Blessed!
Yep, just like the beep on my carbon monoxide detector indicates noxious fumes in the air, the noise from my lips exposes the poison in my heart. Great word.
ouch girl! That is the whole truth and nothing but the truth! Bring it! May the Lord search my heart and be certain there is no evil way in me.
What a blessing you are!
Good word too Kathy.
Much love,