Soundbytes are on my mind this morning. I remember in High School that we were warned against listening to only part of a story. That's a soundbyte - only part of a story. And generally that part is the part that promotes the displayer's viewpoint. So, therefore, if you want to know the whole story, it is best to listen to more than the soundbyte. That seems pretty simple doesn't it? But that is not what happens today.
So many times, those soundbytes that we hear on our favorite news channels or that we see on our computer fail to show the full context of the story. We get the spin. So many things are taken out of context that the originial meaning is lost.
This spin does not limit itself to just the television and computer. Some take the Scripture out of context as well and try to make it apply to their agenda.
This is a time to be WISE. This is a time to stay prayerful. The enemy is looking to destroy us with accusations and lies. We are people of the truth and therefore, we must seek out the truth and not let anyone feed us just the soundbytes. I encourage you today to make the investment in getting the full context behind everything that you hear and see. It will be worth your effort.
Have a great weekend!
How true!
I wanted to let you know that I am having a book giveaway. To enter all you need to do is post ten struggles you face as a Christian woman and also your age. If you have a few minutes, come check out my blog. Thanks and God bless.