Flipping through an app on my phone, I came across something that sent me flying back down memory lane. I instantly recalled the despair I felt when this song first danced across my ears. I was in that situation at that time. The longing and wanting…the neediness that accompanies rejection consumed me. I remember feeling lifeless and devoid; paralyzed by the fear that somehow I was unlovable. Not cherished. Not wanted. And this song played right into those emotions, caressing them even, but after four minutes, it too was gone, still leaving me with the questions that haunted me. No resolution, just a slick R&B ballad.
I looked down at my phone, recalling all of this…and then the unthinkable happened…I laughed! I threw my head back and said “Thank You Jesus!!!”
What a hot mess I was BACK THEN to believe the lies of my adversary! I have since learned that relationships with people are important but the one relationship that I ought to nurture above all others is the one relationship that won’t leave me. I don’t have to worry about God changing his mind, calling me up and telling me it’s over. I don’t have to worry about God dismissing me from His presence. He wants me there. I don’t have to worry when I place my hope and trust in God. Amen! Aw c’mon, you know you want to say it with me – on the count of three, one…two…three…AMEN!!!!
With God, we don’t have to worry because He has not left us in our “back thens.” If we will but trust Him enough to build a relationship with Him, then we’ll see that out “back thens” where a time “back when” we put too much emphasis on others. We esteemed them higher than we esteemed our God. But when you flip that thing around and you esteem God as priority number one in your life, the hurt that would have come when people decide you’re not worth their time stings less. A whole lot less.
Why? Because when you have God, although you may be alone, you’re not really ever alone. If you allow it, He will walk with you and talk with you. He will be a friend that sticks closer than a brother…or a sister (to be gender neutral here!) He loves you (yes, He does) and He cherishes you. He wants a relationship with you, YES, YOU!
He’s not around just to see what He can get from you. Instead, He is around because He loves you. You know that whole bit about Him laying down His life for you right? There is no greater love than the one that God has for you. None greater. So look, if someone in your “back then” left you “back when”, it’s okay. Let ‘em go. Some people are in your life for seasons. Others just don’t need to be in your life. Just let them go. You only make yourself tired trying to hold on to someone when they want to leave. Let them leave. And instead of allowing their departure to leave a void in your life, do something better than that. Remember God and then cleave to Him. Develop THAT relationship and see just how much He blesses you! You won’t regret it. And then one day, when you are flipping through an app on your phone and get transported back to memory lane, you too can let out a yelp of praise, saying “Thank You Jesus!!!!”
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