Just like that, a weekend of intensity ended. She Speaks was over. I took one step out in the high heat and oppressive humidity and knew with certainty that I'd just stepped into the next phase of writing. I am not stranger to the She Speaks conference. I've attended multiple times - one might say that I'm a graduate that keeps visiting the school. I told many newbies (first time attenders) that She Speaks is like the start of my writing fiscal year. I get pumped upon the jet fuel that can help power my writing through the year. How far I fly depends on how well I manage my resources.
So, here we go again. A new beginning. I know what to do. Now I have to do it. This is where the rubber meets the road. Am I ready? I guess we will find out.
I know that some of you want to know what happened at the conference. I'll be posting the details in forthcoming blogs, so check back. I will also be mentioning some writers that I met for the first time - you will not want to miss that - trust me. So, hang tight. More is coming.
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