There was a simmering and then there was a direct attack. Instantly, what had been a mild annoyance became a full-fledged assault on my stomach area. I ached horribly.
I did all the things I know to do but nothing seemed to work. Then the heat came. I was fanning myself in a nicely air-conditioned building. Cold-natured me was fanning. Umm, not good. I felt horrible and queasy.
I went to the water fountain but every step of the journey made me feel like collapse on the carpet was a better idea. God steadied me. I drank the water and returned to my desk. I coaxed myself – it’s the end of the workweek. You can do this. But my body had another plan. I double-over in pain and moved to my guest chair. It was lower – in case I fell. I began to pray and the move of God stabilized me yet again, but the pain was still there. Burning me. Stabbing me. I needed reinforcements.
I called my friend down. She was just a few desks away. God had it to be that she was not on the phone with a customer. She popped up and came down. It was God. And she prayed. But she didn’t leave. She stayed until I felt better. She was an example of Jesus with skin on. And then, I journeyed past stabilization to movement. The burning slacked off. The stabbing stopped. And just like I felt a descending, God allowed me to feel ascension. He raised me back on my feet. And now, I’m typing out this testimony. God stepped in and made the wrong in my body right. I’ve got a praise today because I am feeling much improved. God is in the little things. He loves the details. And I thank Him, praise Him and love Him for just that.
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