The sky was clear and the green light beckoned. It was an early Sunday morning. I began to cross the intersection when mid-way, I looked left. A Ford Explorer, black, with a big grill and passengers in both the front and back, was speeding toward me.
Running through the red light.
I thought, “my God” but before I could get my two-word thought developed, the traffic violating Ford Explorer was slowing down. The driver, applying their brakes. I made it through the intersection safely because of God.
He was protecting me in dangers seen and unseen. Had He not, I would have had the side-curtain airbag getting real personal with my face, along with the grill of the SUV in my side. Undoubtedly I would have been injured. That SUV was rolling faster than the speed limit and coming through the light as if it weren’t there at all. But God! He spared me. Saved me from imminent danger.
I want to encourage you today to not take God’s hand of protection for granted. If you get in a car or other mode of transportation and make it to your intended destination, tell Him “thank you.” Then seek out other ways to let Him know that you appreciate the fact He’s not a God which slumbers or sleeps, but instead, He is always watching over us.

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