My guy WASN’T the only scoundrel. Humph. Imagine that.
You may chuckle, but I’m telling you, this was a revelation to me, courtesy of the Lord Jesus!
The adversary of our very souls will always try to convince us that we are alone in whatever situation and/or struggle we are going through. I thought I was alone; The only one who had experienced such a cruel and heartless deception. But now, as many others have shared their stories with me, I know without doubt that I am not alone. Never was. Just deceived – again. Honey, the mean ole devil wants to isolate us so that he can whisper doubt, fear and discouragement in our ears. He wants our undivided attention so that we will continue to think about the things that hurt us, disappoint us and discourage us. That’s the sweet spot for our enemy. If he can get us feeling that low, then he can continue to kick us in the gut.
And that’s why we have to do better.
We, in our grief, will often times turn inward. We want to be alone with our sadness. We want to crawl up on our beds and just lay there, being baptized with our tears. We find comfort in taking off any presentable clothes, putting on our jammies and laying on the couch, watching Lifetime Movies about other scorned and deceived women, with our Kleenex box in hand. The kindred of the hurt and helpless lures us. Don’t let it.
Open the blinds and window dressings; let the LIGHT shine in and learn to RESIST the attacks of the enemy!
I don’t know what has happened to you. And I’m too bored with my own story to tell it again regarding what happened to me a few years back. The details just don’t matter anymore. What does matter is knowing who is behind it. And that’s the devil. Christian sister, know this, people can be used for good or for evil. And sometimes, deceptively, the evil masquerades around looking like it’s good. That’s why we have to be perceptive. But that’s another post for another day.
For now, just know that when you have a "hurt" or something is beating you down, don’t crawl into bed right off with the bon-bons, potato chips and Diet Coke. Stop long enough and think about who is behind it and decide right then and there who is going to get the victory in the spiritual battle that you are about to fight.
If you want to concede, then just crawl into bed, and call up a bonafide prayer warrior to help you. You can do better than this, but if that's where you are on your journey, at least turn to a mature Christian for help. But if you want to fight and stomp that mean joker in the head, then rally your spirit and get down on your knees and pray to the Father who sees. Thank you Lord for the privilege! Know that you are not alone in what you are about to battle. Know that since God is for you, then the world against you still doesn’t stand a chance. And know that God wants you to have life and have it more abundantly. He does not want you lounging in your pit of despair. Don't get comfortable there!
Fight for your peace. I know that sounds strange, but just do it. And if by chance, you get knocked down, that’s alright, get back up. You may be down but you don’t have to be out. To borrow a phrase from my pastor, Reverend Daniel Sanders, that got me through some tough times, “you can’t lose if you don’t quit.” When you get tired, call for some godly reinforcements, but don’t give up. Don’t quit. Fight on your knees in prayer. Fight with your worship words to the air. Set the atmosphere for victory and you will defeat the adversary. Resist him and he'll flee. You can do it, because as a child of God, you are never alone. You have a Comforter, the Holy Spirit dwelling in you.
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” – 1Peter 5:8
C'mon Christian. Stand up now. Stand on the Word of God. Stand on His promises. Stand on His truth. It’s time to fight!
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